View Full Version : New Buddy - ZZero routine not working = ??

03-15-2008, 10:28 PM
When I use my ZZero routine on my new PRSalpha Buddy, I get this message: "Z contact did not clear for some reason." The light is out, and when I check it by touching the ZZero plate to the tool or to the ground clip, it comes on and goes back out after I quit touching it. So, the input is off, but the software says it is not clearing, or in other words not going back to an off state. What am I missing? Its Saturday night, so I thought I would post here first.

Brady Watson
03-16-2008, 02:37 AM
In SB3, goto Tools->ShopBot Setup & fill in the info for your Zzero plate. Save it & that should fix it. It seems that the file that stores variables has a misprint in it that assigns input #2 to the Zzero plate. Doing what I prescribe will assign it to input #1. That should do it...


03-16-2008, 10:13 AM
Cliff, I had the same problem. Tech support told me to do as Brady said. Strangely enough, my setting was on #1, but they told me type over again with "1" and it solved my problem.

03-16-2008, 09:04 PM
Hey Guys,

Thanks. This solved the problem. Got a different solution from tech support. It went like this:

"Hi Cliff,

"Here is what needs to happed to get your zzero plate to work:

"1-Input #1 lights up when you touch the grounding clip to the plate.
2-Ground clip is hooked up to ground and plate hooked up to #1 input 3-The ShopBot set-up program should be set to #1 input. The command is, "TS". Then hit next a couple of times and you will find it in the second box down."

Hopefully, this thread will help others as they bring their Buddy up to speed.

Thanks Again.
