View Full Version : Laser attachment

02-26-2000, 08:44 PM
Bruce Clark has recently "Done the Laser Thang !!!"
with his ShopBot.

I have hosted the pix and descriptions he has
provided on my site.



02-27-2000, 12:45 AM
first do you think your laser would cut 1/8"
balsawood or plywood
and what did it cost?
if you want i will send you some wood and files
to play with.

03-06-2000, 09:06 PM

balsa and ply cut very well up to .125 on our laser. (not shopbot carried! but still a good tool) Once you get bigger than .125 it gets a little iffy for us. OUr laser is 20 Watt CO2 and cuts .125 oak ply (like you would use for the side of a kitchen cabinet) at about .2 IPS. The interesting thing about working with a laser is that you must control the focus of the beam whic controls kerf width etc. Also the kerf is not straight but has a "waist" or angle to it becasue of the beam focus. Anyway - interesting stuff. I just got my shopbot running last week and it seems much more high tech than the lasser right now!

07-07-2000, 10:46 PM
I just recieved the demo CD from ShopBot and it includes a clip of a lasser cutting head.
Does any one know how much they run and where I can get more info.

07-10-2000, 10:43 AM
Re: checking code for zups or tabs or whatever.

My partner is a professional MS Access programmer. She just inputs the .sbp file into Access and creates querries to report whatever I require. This is how I check for limits of x,y and z movements prior to running any .sbp file.

If there is a need to add, modify or delete lines or sections it can very easily be accomplished, again using either simple querries or embedded code.