View Full Version : CabinetParts Update
Ryan Patterson
12-18-2005, 08:56 AM
CabinetPartsPro has an update and can be downloaded
After you have had time to use Cabinetparts and would like to have more options please let me know.
After installing version 4.7.0 and fill in the settings you will get a message saying there is a problem with your settings.ini click yes and CabinetParts will update your settings, then restart CabinetParts. You will also get this message if you do not uninstall older versions.
Ryan Patterson
01-22-2006, 02:27 PM
CabinetPartsPro has an update and can be downloaded
Update includes: version 4.8.2
Label Printing option to remove label sets
The cut “all” file is now portable. The files directory is not included in the FP command. As long as the files exist in the same directory as the files in the “ALL” file it will work. If you are using Cabinetparts to start Shopbots software and have not allowed CabinetParts to change the shopbot.ini file. CabinetParts will send the FS command to Shopbots control software will open and then close. CabinetParts will send the FS command again when opening a cut file from a different directory. If you have allowd CabinetParts to change shopbot.ini file it will change the FS setting .
Added a cut timer on the ShopBot Control page. Timmer will start when the ShopBot control page is opened showing idel time. Once you have opened a cut file from within CabinetParts the idel time will stop and will start a timer for cutting time. Cutting time will stop counting when ShopBots control software has been closed. You can set in the settings to have Shopbots software to open and start cutting without any promts and close ShopBot software when done cutting.
Fix for Cut/Paste from sheet to grid
Fix run time error when canceling open part editor
You can Email me at (
01-22-2006, 03:13 PM
Just a note to everyone; Ryan is going to be giving a demo of Cabinet Parts Pro at the Winter Garden, FL Camp Shopbot ,Sat. Feb. 4th. Details regarding the Camp are in another thread...
Ryan Patterson
02-18-2006, 11:39 PM
CabinetPartsPro has an update and can be downloaded
After you have had time to use Cabinetparts and would like to have more options please let me know.
The G Code has not been updated Cabinetparts will export layouts to DXF and to Shopbot part files.
Update includes: version 5.0.0
Changed the Save Tool path page.
Larger text box for added to a cut file.
Changed the multi pass. You can select how many passes to make and it gives you the option to change
the depth of each pass. Example if you are cutting ¾” you can cut one pass at -.6875 and a final pass at –
.75. It will cut all the parts at the first depth the cut all the parts at the next depth.
…Added an option for a second Z axis with offsets. It will drill holes with a MA command.
You can select the order of the parts in the “ALL”file on the ToolPath page. There is a list of all the operations need for the job you are cutting. The order the list is in is the order the parts are in the “ALL” file. To change the order left click on the operation you need to change hold the mouse button down and move the mouse up or down. When the mouse icon is where you what the order to be release the button an it will be reordered.
If you do not want to have a cutting file for on of the operations in the list right click and select remove. It is put in the in the drop down box above the list. If you would like to have it cut once you have removed it from the list select it in the drop down box and it will be added to the list again.
When you select an operation in the list the text box next to “Insert before” will display the operation in the list. Then what ever you type in the larger box will be inserted in the “ALL” file before it uses the FP command to call the file selected in the list.
The drop down box below the Insert before has a list of Shopbot part files that are located in the special parts folder in settings ShopBot tab. Clicking on one of these file will be added to the text box with the Fp command.
The biggest Change in this update is it will allow me to easily add new options.
In the next few weeks I will start adding all the options that where suggested.
Some of the suggested option that will be added are:
Toe kick notch
Starter holes for those use screw to assemble
Selective shelf hole drilling Will drill a set of holes every so many inches
Cam lock holes for assembly (similar to the way Home Depot has on the Knock down cabinet)
Option to use a true 32mm system
Part rotation
Please let me know if you find something that needs to be fixed
You can Email me at (
Ryan Patterson
02-19-2006, 03:56 PM
Cabinetparts now has an option for Shopbots air drill. Under settings ShopBot Tab enter in your tool offset (router to drill) then put a check in the box for "Use offsets in drilling files" and then select "air drill" or "2nd Z". CabinetParts will insert "C8" when it needs to drill. I do not have the air drill so I can not test it if it is not working correctly please let me know if it is correct thank you.
Ryan Patterson
02-28-2006, 08:04 PM
CabinetParts Update
CabinetParts will now put a toe kick notch. In the free version the toe kick settings can not be changed. In the pro version in settings cabinets tab you can set the toe kick height and depth of the notch.
Ryan Patterson
03-06-2006, 06:09 PM
Cabinetparts Update.
The part optimizing has been improved. It will give the best fit in most cases. When you first go to the layout page click tools/Nest Parts. It is a little slow to start and can take about 3 min. to nest 70 parts. You will see the layouts page caption change when it starts to layout a new sheet. After I speed the nesting up I will add an option to rotate the parts for a better fit. You can download the update here
Ryan Patterson
03-15-2006, 10:45 PM
Cabinetparts Update
Version 5.3.3
The MDF doors is now working in this version. If you need any help with the MDF doors you can Email me at ( The Extra parts has been relocated to the type cab drop down box. When you select the extra from the drop down box you can enter the part dimensions in the height and depth boxes to add a single part. The dimension entered in the height box is parallel to the X axis. You can download the update at
Ryan Patterson
04-21-2006, 07:58 PM
CabinetPartsPro has an update and can be downloaded at ( has a new look and a quick start page to help you get started using CabinetParts.
Version 6.0.4
Added a 3D rendering for cabinets entered.
Change in Type cab list.
Changed the Cabinet list: (better organized) To remove parts for a cabinet, double click the Cab no. in the cabinet list. When you click a Cab no. in the cabinet list, the 3D view will show this cabinet and the dimensions for this cabinet are entered in the cabinet entry boxes.
Print nested layouts ( free version will only print the first two sheets)
Improved the speed of the nesting
build options with back the same size as box
Space between parts when nesting.
Please let me know if you find something that needs to be fixed
You can Email me at (
Ryan Patterson
04-25-2006, 07:37 PM
CabinetPartsPro will have special Jamboree pricing. $150.00 Starting now through May 5,2006. The price after May 5 will be $250.00. I will be at the Jamboree, if you have any question look me up.
Ryan Patterson
06-17-2006, 03:50 PM
CabinetpartsPro has an update visit ( to see the full list of features and options. If you send me an email and do not get a reply with in 24 hours Please re send the email. The 2 biggest changes are in the nesting and importing from an Excel file. If you had purchased The pro version for $150.00 or more and did not get an email from me, let me know. There is now three versions to choose from FREE ,Semi-Pro and Pro. You can purchase the Semi- Pro and Pro online at ( or from Shopbot tools..
Update includes: Version 7.0.2
Menu items have been moved to give a better flow.
Import from an Excel file
New nesting/layout page
Sheet layout is no longer a mirror image
Faster nesting
Cutting order has been improved
More nesting options
New settings layout
Option to use 32mm system
If you delete all the parts on a sheet the unused sheet is removed
Print preview for layouts
Shopbot control page (if you have already cut a sheet and then try to recut the same sheet Cabinetparts will warn that the part file has be cut at least once.
If you change the Material thickness all the parts will be recalculated to the new size
The help file now has help for all the options and commands
I have heard of true 32 system but i didnt follow up on what it is exactly. I feel its a way to build european style cabinets ? Is this correct ? What are the benifits of this system?
Thanks Alot I'm sure i cant be the only one to wonder this ( I hope ) Thanks Gene
Ryan Patterson
06-24-2006, 08:23 AM
True 32mm system is where all the sides of a cabinet will be divisible by a common number (32mm). The reason for this is when you drill the sides there will not be a right or left side (The bottom and top shelf hole will always be the same distance from top and bottom no matter the cabinet height). The line boring would be used for mounting hinges , drawers, and shelves. It made a universal cabinet side. The problem with it is a 30” high wall cabinet would not be 30” it would be 30 ¼” (30” x 25.4 / round(32mm) x 32mm = 768mm /25.4 = 30.2363) There are several versions of true 32mm ( ) I do not see much use for it now with CNC. Using a cnc for cabinets you can put hinge holes , drawer holes , and line boring only where you need them. With Cabinetpartspro if you check to use the 32mm system it will make the distance from the first row of holes to the back row of holes the same as the drawer slide hole pattern. It will also work as true 32mm if you enter a cabinet height that is divisible by the shelf hole spacing.
I hope I answered you question Ok, If not ask again and will try to better explain.
hi Ryan,
You answered quite nicely. one other question i have is what are the advantages of an air drill ?
Do they save much time or are they to save wear on your router or spindle ? i would like to hear the pro's and con's of this accessory.
Ryan Patterson
06-26-2006, 09:06 AM
I do not have the air drill but do have a second Z with a drill mounted to it. Having a second Z or the air drill will save time in bit changing. I Cut the cabinet parts with a 3/8" bit and drill all the holes with a 5mm drill bit. I can not think of any con's for the air drill. Cabinetpartspro does have an option to use an air drill or second Z.
10-28-2006, 07:35 AM
The frameless cabinets i construct i use confirmat
one piece connectors. what i need to know is how i go about setting cabinet pro to drill the 7mm holes needed to connect the cabinet sides . can i drill holes in any position i want on cabinet sides? i have the demo version . looking at the options in tools i am not sure how to go about doing this. or if this is possible.
I beleive what would be very helpfull would be a list of all the possibilites of this programme.
10-28-2006, 09:47 AM
You can drill holes in the edge of your material if it is less then the height of the table. I have done this by clamping the panel to the edge of my table. Hole positioning is very acurate once set up properly. I am limited to a panel no wider then the height of my table which is 32".
10-28-2006, 10:44 AM
I am not sure what you mean by height of table
i am using prt96 standard and cutting 8x4 plywood sheets
the part size i am talking about is the cabinet sides 23.25 wide by 31 high
and need to position 3x 7 mm holes on top and bottom of this panel
where do i find the information about setting this up on the software? thanks
10-28-2006, 12:03 PM
Woodguy, it is not in the software it is a method of operation.
Here is a quick drawing of what I mean. The panel is positioned at the end of the table. You will need to fabricate some way to hold it 90 degrees too the table top. The only limiting factor is height of your table or actualy the height your motor can be retracted off the floor.
10-28-2006, 12:48 PM
thanks for taking the time to help with this.
what i am looking for is a procedure that the software can do. the idear is to save time that is why i want to purchase software
lets say i am building a cabinet i use the software to do this then i nest it put the sheet on my shopbot i should be able to run a file that would drill the holes i need then run another file that will cut out the cabinet parts
this is what i am looking for.
i have no problem using a cad programme to cut the sides and drill the holes i can do that with no problem.
but i want a programme like cabinet parts pro where i can put in any number of cabinets, nest them, run a file that can drill holes where i need them first, then a second file to cut the parts out thanks again for your time
10-28-2006, 12:54 PM
Sorry I misunderstood you, want to drill them in the face of the sheet. This can be done with most any program that makes a cut file.
Ryan Patterson
10-28-2006, 03:55 PM
CabinetpartsPro exports a DXF drawing of the nested parts. You can use this dxf with your Cad/Cam and add the holes where you need them. The option you are looking for will be in the next update of CabinetpartsPro. Here are a few of the options Cabinetpartspro has now. Import a cabinet or parts list, drill system holes hinge holes and drawer guide holes dados for the backs. Blind dados will also be in the next update. If you have any questions on what else Cabinetpartspro can do give me a call at 239-596-0060.
David Iannone
01-30-2015, 09:50 AM
I know this is an old post but I cant find anything else on this issue. I bought CPP about a month ago. I am not a cabinet maker, I'm a sign guy. I have had a sign customer of mine who is a cabinet maker who is interested in supplying me with sheet goods and hand drawings with dimensions and wants me to cut the cabinet parts for him. I am still learning this software, but there is no 3D view. I have version 8.7.7 I emailed CPP but figured I would ask here too.
David Iannone
02-02-2015, 03:04 PM
I also sent email to the CPP email address about this issue.
Is it something I am doing incorrectly? I'm a Sign Guy, not Cabinet Guy. But, I am usually able to figure out the basics of a piece of software.
Kyle Stapleton
02-02-2015, 03:36 PM
You need to make/add cab before you can have a 3d preview.
02-02-2015, 08:44 PM
Does Cabinet Parts Pro do MDF doors? I sent a PM to Ryan, but he didn't respond. :confused:
David Iannone
02-02-2015, 10:17 PM
Does Cabinet Parts Pro do MDF doors? I sent a PM to Ryan, but he didn't respond. :confused:
Yeah, me too. Same thing no response........
David Iannone
02-02-2015, 10:30 PM
You need to make/add cab before you can have a 3d preview.
Thanks Kyle,
Attached is screen shot. I had entered many different sizes before my post.
Right now I am just trying to enter a cabinet size, have it save to aspire, (this part is fine)
Then I have to tool path it manually. I need the 3d exploded view to try to figure the tool paths out.
All I'm saying is if they cant get that view to work, then instead of spending my $250 with CPP I could have went another way.
02-03-2015, 12:32 PM
He has video's you can watch. Make toolpath templates in aspire. Then when you copy to aspire it will toolpath everything the way want after you spend the time with it. For the price of the program it is great. Don't take this the wrong way but for the price he can't do a lot of individual training for each user. That's why the video's are there.
He responds fine to emails from me, but not instantly.
As for 3d stuff, it's over rated. A cabinet is just a box. CPP is not a great 3d program, but a great box cutting program.
Kyle Stapleton
02-03-2015, 12:41 PM
In cab list right click on cab you want to view and select 3d view.
11-02-2015, 05:38 AM
Have you heard from Ryan P.? Have you got his software running yet? I bought his software a year ago and still can't get it to run properly. My XP computer died so tried to install CPP on my new windows7 computer and it won't work. Everytime i try to enter data it gives me a run time error '76. What operating system are you running it on?
11-02-2015, 05:41 AM
Have you got this software to work? I keep getting runtimeerror '76 on windows7 whenever i try to enter data.
06-16-2017, 07:04 PM
I am considering purchasing CabinetPartsPro, and want some feed back, does this program work? Will it work on 64bit system? does it interface with ShopBot? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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