View Full Version : Reversed Vcarve signage

03-04-2007, 10:23 PM
Is this possible, and if so, how would you go about designing and producing the exact opposite of a Vcarved sign (using VcarvePro). By opposite I mean a sign where the letters are not just protruding and beveled (as in the VCP example of a beveled letter sign), but rather they look fully Vcarved with the V protruding instead of being incised into the sign. This type of sign usually has the angles of the V come to a centerline in each stroke of the letter (just picture a protruding V). This is hard to explain and I have a devil of a time trying to post pics to the forum so I hope you all understand.

03-04-2007, 10:41 PM
Like that?


If so, study those settings...


03-05-2007, 08:43 AM
Not quite Paco. I have been able to match your example in playing with it. What I want is... look at the vertical stroke of your letter "P". You have a flat area in the center of the stroke. I want no flat area on any stroke. All of the angled sides would need to come to a single line in the center of the letter stroke. I have hand carved letters like this for years and, if i can produce them on the bot it will keep me running.

03-05-2007, 10:27 AM
Yes this is something I've submit to VETRIC when they release the 'raised edges' options you can see above. I hope they make it happen sometime soon. Maybe it slip under the desk...!?

Currently VCP offset outward the vector(s), create toolpath for all around bevel and you can chose which corner type you want. Most of my customer ask for their design to be unchanged when I do raised edges; either full full prismatic or truncated (flat top).

This is probably close to want you want...


...this example is very simple though. It's just profiling around with the V tool bit. What I asked to VETRIC is more concave (internal) carving which I believe are more tricky to code... Look at the bellow example (poor ArtCAM render); you probably (I do) want those red line to be carved strokes...? But if you study the carving, you'll see that (thinking computer like) you get to a point where you would have choice on the way to go with those strokes (or green strokes???).


Getting hotter or cooler?

03-05-2007, 11:15 PM
Paco, you are right on... yes, that's just what I am trying to do. And also yes, i can see where the software will have trouble deciding the path on some intersections just as I do when I do them by hand.

Is there any other software that is capable of this? EnRoute is from Scanvec Amiable, the makers of my regular signmaking software... maybe Enroute can do it? I don't really know.