View Full Version : CR command oddity

10-19-2005, 12:26 PM
If I give the command
and the shopbot is at 0,0,0 then I get 0=height and nothing happens
If I move the shopbot away from 0,0,0 then the rectangle cuts perfectly.
Is this a bug in the program?
No a big issue, as you can always fool the Shopbot into thinking its somewhere else (like on holiday in the Bahamas).

10-19-2005, 01:04 PM
Hey Mike,

I'm not sure I understand...how about some more details. When you say nothing happens does that mean that it doesn't move at all or that it does the rectangle but doesn't plunge? That's what I would expect it to do..the 6th parameter (the plunge) in your command is -0.000 so it should make the rectangle but not plunge at all,cutting at whatever depth it's currectly at, no matter where it is on the table.

Do you get an error message that says "0=height"? What does it do differently when you move away from 0,0,0 and run that command?


10-20-2005, 01:04 AM
I get the error message "0=height", a moments pause, then the screen reverts to the command: prompt.
The machine doesn't move.
I do not get the wrong parameters prompt.
I move the Shopbot x and y, try the same command and it works.
Tried it a number of times and got the same result.
Im running dos (but can not remember the version
Late hybrid PRT96.

10-20-2005, 06:17 AM
Hey Mike,

Ah...the DOS software. I'll install the newest DOS software at the shop later on today and try it out.


10-20-2005, 07:35 AM
(Psst Mike, look at the title at the top and see that you have posted in the v3 (version 3 = Windows) section. DOS is v2.)

10-20-2005, 09:13 AM
They don't have a section for us version 2 users!

10-22-2005, 08:28 AM
Hi Mike,

I had a similar problem some years back, have a look in the VL setting for Low limits to X & Y, try some thing like -25mm and check that it will not hit anything when it move -25mm (limit switches or stops) then try the file again.,

Why are you using the old DOS version ??



10-22-2005, 10:00 AM
When I first set up my system I used an old Pentium 3 laptop, which wasn't happy with version 3.
I keep meaning to update


10-22-2005, 10:47 AM
Paul, a first attempt to "update", soon after v3 was launched, didn't work properly with millimeters, so we went back to DOS.

A few months later, tried again, and got one bad channel. Back to DOS and channel still bad - blown driver.

These days I read how fussy v3 is for ramp settings, and have decided not to fix something (DOS) that is not broken. After fiddling with Mach2 for a while, we are probably going to migrate from DOS to Mach2 and not bother with v3 at all.

10-22-2005, 11:50 AM
Hi Gerald,

I have used v3 from its first release with out any problems other that Home and ZZero setting need changing to metric values.

I have found the ramp settings in v3 more responsive ( read fussy ), it seems the changes are more obvious while cutting than the older DOS setting.

I did look at Mach2/gecko's but felt that I would have to learn another set of coding and parameters so I decided to give it a miss and spend my spare time fishing instead.

Mike, did you solve your problem.


10-22-2005, 01:08 PM
Hey guys,

The issue seems to be with the negative height (Y size) of the rectangle. The DOS software doesn't seem to allow rectangle sizes that are less than 0...though the Windows software does. Actually I couldn't get it to work anywhere on the table using your values, so I'm not sure why it works in some places and not in others for you.

My suggestion is to change that negative value to a positive one and use the #4 starting corner, the lower left-hand corner. That's basically what you're doing with the negative value and the #1 corner..the starting corner ends up at the lower lefthand corner and the rectagle is cut above and to the right of it. So the command would read...


Does it do what you want it to?

10-23-2005, 01:46 AM
Bill,et al
In fact, everything you say is correct, to make it work.
The thing about CR is it works in relative values, not absolute, so starting at #4 and giving the length, width and depth works.
I guess I thought I was trying to preserve the absolute values that caused my glitch.
In practical terms I solved it quickly, I just reported it as an oddity.
How am I losing out, as far as performance goes, using DOS instead of version 3?