View Full Version : Opening files created with probe?

11-08-2004, 03:20 PM
Hey guys, Anyone know what program I need so that I can open 3d files created with the probe? I have open 2d "edge finder" files already and they worked great. However I cant seem to open point clouds or 3d polyline dxf's. I've been using Artcam Pro. Help!
Thanks folks!

11-08-2004, 04:04 PM
Try http://www.perspectiveedge.com/
...worth taking a look at it... it's a good friend that suggest it to me!

Hello Normand!

Brady Watson
11-08-2004, 07:23 PM
I hear that TurboCAD Professional v10 or better will open the files and let you export them in STL format. I haven't tried this myself. VectorCAD will open them up as well. I think Staples had TC Pro on sale for $199.


11-15-2004, 06:53 PM
One of my customers, Gary Tope, is using the ShopBot probe on Mandolin bodies. He then imports the probe file (a DXF polyline file) into VS3D/VScad3 and builds a continuous surface mesh using the Triangulate operation. He then uses VS3D to perform additional free-form sculpting on the surface. And lastly, he outputs tool paths (ShopBot part files) for his ShopBot from VS3D.