View Full Version : Shopbot control DLL?

12-15-2007, 10:23 PM
I would love to be able to run the shopbot control software with my own software, is there a DLL available? I want to be able to automate different cutting routines that I always do, in different zones on the table, and would love to be able to control all movement, file loads, zeroing... etc. I really hope there is!

12-16-2007, 09:36 AM
Hey Greg,

There isn't a dll that you can run from within an external program, but there are Command Line options so that you can Shell to the ShopBot software and pass it part files from your program. Like all part files those files can include any command that ShopBot understands, including things like opening the keypad and calling custom cuts. That's the way the Virtual Tools work...they're standalone Visual Basic executables that generate part files from user inputs and then Shell to the ShopBot software to run the file.

If you look in the "Developer Tools" folder in your "C:\Program Files\Shopbot\" folder you'll find information on the Command Line format in the programming handbook, along with a few sample programs.

Hope this helps,