View Full Version : Help with Corel
05-04-2001, 11:00 PM
Shirl, I'm pretty good with Corel Draw. How can I help you? As well as owning a Shopbot, which helps with what should and should not be done in Corel Draw.
Hi Allen:
I hope you can help me!.... I do my own drawings and scan them into corel9. I use autotrace and save as dxf. When the shopbot does the cutting, it seems to pick up a lot of unseen dots or marks from the image and makes hundreds of small dots or marks on the surface of the pattern that should be clean and smooth. Why is
this happening? I must be doing somthing wrong.
I've tried the 'mask' and 'eraser' and cleaning my scanner, but nothing works. I guess I'm one of those 'dummies for corel9'. I have that book
and the corel 'bible' but I'm still doing something wrong (obviously).
05-05-2001, 06:26 PM
The problem with Coreltrace is that it does not join polylines, and for the extra line or dots you are getting? this is not in the scanner but in the picture? or you are not scanning at a high dpi?, after scanning and exporting as a dxf open the file in coreldraw and select and delete the lines or dots you do not want, I am not sure how well coreldraw joins poylines or if you can weld them together? I use Turbocad to join polylines and it does a great job.
If you send me your files I will do them for you, I use diffrent methods for diffrent pictures.
05-05-2001, 07:07 PM
If you do your own drawing, have you looked into using a digitizing tablet to eliminate the scanning step? They are an input device like a mouse or trackball, but use a pen so they're much more natural for drawing. I've seen them for less than $100 at CompUSA and BestBuy.
05-05-2001, 07:20 PM
Shirl, I understand your problem. It's just a matter of cleaning up the scanned image BEFORE you convert to vector. Chances are you have Corel Photopaint. It has excellent picture filters such as "noise filter", "blur", "posterize", "Maximize", and "minimize". I suspect you've already done a little of this. If you'll send me a sample (TIFF) of your hand drawn picture, I'll create a detailed procedure for you to "clean it up" before you vectorize it.
05-05-2001, 07:39 PM
I don't think you read what shirl, has said
she is using auto trace, thia is a tool that corel
has for traceing outlines of a bitmap, not usually
used on a scanned line image, autotrace is a function of the line tool when used on and image
it recreates the outlines.. very handy tool that
many don't know exists..
"but" there is a better way, just recreate your
file in coreldraw it is not hard and all the tools
are there "if you want to learn them..
05-05-2001, 08:24 PM
Dan, I agree with you in that it would be best if the drawing was recreated in Corel Draw as an overlay of the bitmap, but, in order for Shirl to use Corel Trace, she must first create a bitmap of some sort. That requires scanning the hand drawn image. This is where the PhotoPaint cleanup comes in. Corel Trace vectortizes "everything" in a bitmap. If it's not there in won't be traced.
Also, Corel Trace has different settings for tracing bitmaps at different levels of "intensity". These levels can be adjusted for different types of bitmaps. This will be part of the "procedures list" that I'll be creating for Shirl.
05-05-2001, 09:14 PM
I just want to make sure that you realize,
there is corel trace and corel auto trace,
corel trace is a separate program from coreldraw..
corel trace raster scans and image and creates a
vector if you want a vector, and you can set the sensitivity in many ways..
corel auto trace is a tool in the line tool setup of coreldraw that allows you to autotrace and outline, you can pick and choose the parts of and image to autotrace.. I am not sure which "Shirl," was talking about "but she did say autotrace"
Hi Guys:
I have used the 'Autotrace' and the 'Corel Trace' and there still is the problem with that
pepper sprinkled image and background.
I sure could use some help....
05-05-2001, 10:52 PM
Shirl the best way is to redraw over your scanned image in coreldraw, if you make quite big it works well,use the point to point tool..
But like Allen said you can trace your image,take it into coreldraw break it apart, select all,
color all black,save as a tiff file, open photopaint, and remove all the things you don't want, if you make it big you will see all those
messy little smuges and imperfections that are showing up in your files..
05-05-2001, 11:42 PM
Another simple way to do it is use the magic wand and select what you want to cut and just copy and paste it, then use point to point tracing and re-draw it, I have found it only takes a few minutes to trace anything by hand.
And Dan would be the 1 to show you how this is done, he is the Master of Coreldraw (-:
05-06-2001, 12:06 AM
Shirl, another poorfolk trick is to check your dxf file with the vector that came with your machine. Select the chains that you want to cut and cut and paste them a given distance away from the original point. (I heard 96 inches works good) then deselect all. Select all in the area that is left and you will see the little boogers that are left. Delete these boogers and cut and paste the 96 inchers back and you should have a reasonably clean cut file. Anyhow, it works for me. keith
05-06-2001, 12:37 PM
Dan, you are indeed correct. Corel Trace and CorelDraw are seperate tools and operated differently. The built-in autotrace of CorelDraw will only select contigous elements of a raster image on each click of the selector. Which dosen't explain why she is getting the "pepper" traced.
I suspect that you are adding extra unnecessary steps in your last suggestion. Why would Shirl want to "break it all apart" and "color it black" and export it as a TIFF, to edit it in PhotoPaint, when the "hand-drawn" image began life as a editable raster image already?
Shirl, please send a sample of your drawing to Dan any myself so we can make informed suggestions.
By the way, Keith's suggestion was excellent. Although, there a few too many steps there, too. When you "copy" to the clipboard, the lines you selected exist on the clipboard independently of the drawing. If you'll select and "copy" the lines you want to keep and then return to the original drawing, select all, and then delete those lines. Then "paste" and the original selected lines will be pasted back in the original position. With out the extraneous lines.
05-06-2001, 02:50 PM
Good Morning Allen,
we are both going overboard, I don't use corel
trace much anymore,its far to messy and time consuming, but if you save your trace as a vector
you can edit it in coreldraw, you don't need to go into photopaint at all.
I am curious to know if your background is in publishing or Graphics or?
Shirl, you must be totally confused by now I am,
I don't think Allen or I will make use of your drawing if you want to send it! maybe just send the DXF.File and we can see what its doing..
Ron Varela, have you been on holidays again, we
missed you, almost sent out a search party..
05-06-2001, 03:32 PM
I agree Dan, Corel Trace in indeed too involved as well as the CorelDraw's autotrace function. (That may be why Corel dropped Corel Trace in version 8.) You are right to suggest hand creating an outline over the bitmap. It's easier and you have a much more refined vector file when you're done.
Yes, we really need to see the bitmap (jpg, tif, cpt, whatever) to determine the best conversion method. Her "hand-drawn" image may be a shaded pencil drawing... As, an aside to what Bill said, a $100.00 digitizer pad
(see is excellent for this kind of work, it lacks the subtlety and "drag" of a pencil. Definitely, buy one if you are determined to learn how to use it.
Shirl, are you using textured paper for your drawings?
Dan, I manufacture aircraft components for a living.... But webmastering is a paying hobby.
05-06-2001, 03:41 PM
Shirl I agree with everyone that this might have gotten you a little confused? but everyone is right.
I have found in the past that sometimes it is just best to trace your work by hand.
I have Coredraw 5 thru 10 and do not use at all, but after getting with Dan I have found that it can do some neat tricks.
I have played with a lot of programs and have not found 1 that will do 100%, there will always be some clean up work.
So all I can say is just scan and trace by hand and your done.
Dan I have been swamped with work for the last 3 months and will be for the next 5 months + I have been making 3d files for the shopbotters on the server and helping them with there files, holiday? I get 1 every time we have a power
05-06-2001, 04:02 PM
Digitizing tablets are definately hard to get used to; your natural tendency is to look at your hand when you're drawing, but the line shows up on the screen! For someone who does a lot of drawing and then scanning, though, they may be worth getting used to.
05-06-2001, 07:42 PM
Nice websites Allen,
Do you sub contract? or do you have Co.
That pickup looks just like mine,except mine is a
You should buy a C02 laser and start marking
your parts, we did some a year or so back using
cerdec, but we are to far from the parts source..
"the ones that can't be stamped"
I teach coreldraw to adults, extended edu. in the winter at our local college..not up to prepress..
just desktop..
Bill I have a digitizer, but its to small I need
one 4ft.sq. everything comes out squiggly, I am better with the mouse.. Dan
07-21-2001, 09:07 AM
Hey Botters, I'm trying to find the Frog King AVI file that someone posted to the forum. It shows how to manipulate the trim, weld and contour functions in Corel Draw 8. It is an excellent resource, and I would like to download it again. I inadvertently deleted it from my computer.
I would appreciate any help with my search for this frogking.avi file.
P.S. I've searched the Shopbot FTP Download site, too.
Allen (
07-21-2001, 12:18 PM
Its on my web server Allen.
07-21-2001, 05:12 PM
Thank you Dan, These video clips are an excellent resource! They are very relevant to using Corel Draw 8 or above for shopbot file creation. I highly recommend them.
07-21-2001, 05:17 PM
I am going to make some on the draw tools in the near future, also I made them with coreldraw 7
some of the features are different than 8, 9, 10..
08-30-2001, 09:22 AM
I see I posted in the wrong area earlier. I also appologize for the double posting. I got a message stating that the server was down right after I posted the first message.
Your forum here seems to have answered my questions regarding CorelDraw 8. If I am interpreting this information correctly I believe that the correct (i.e. most fail safe) method is to initially get your artwork opened/imported to CorelDraw. Then execute a trace command. Delete original image from work area. Clean up traced image. Export image in a .dxf or .plt or .tif format. Then run Shopbot's appropriate conversion software. Then examine the file with the (FE) command. Then try (FP).
Have I missed anything? Not trying to be smart, just I haven't had any luck in 20 hrs of playing yet of being able to get an image (other than a white solid mass) that I could see in the Preview Mode.
If someone could proof this and let me know I would appreciate it. If I am missing something, also let me know. I am holding back the purchase of this machine until I am comfortable that I can get it up and running as soon as possible. Would like to use it for home based business.
08-30-2001, 09:35 PM
You are on the right track if you want to use CorelDraw to create files for a ShopBot, but the steps required depend on what type of art you start with. Not all of the steps that you have outlined are appropriate to take a given piece of artwork from "art to part". For example, if you trace an image to create 2D lines that the ShopBot can cut, you should save it as a dxf file and never as a tif file. Tif file cutting is only appropriate if you want to do a 3D cut directly on an original "untraced" tif. It is the output from the tif conversion that is giving you the solid mass of white lines in preview mode. If you are tracing a digital image, then presumably you will want to cut the resulting lines. Save your lines as a dxf file, then use the file conversion (FC) command in ShopBot if you want to cut on the lines or send the dxf file to a toolpathing program (like Vector, ProfileLab or others) if you want to cut between, inside, or outside of the lines.
If your original artwork is a "digital image" from your scanner, from a website, from your digital camera, or from raster clipart: Typical formats include bitmap (.bmp), tiff (.tif), giff (.gif), and jpeg (.jpg). These "raster" images are composed of dots ("pixels") of different colors rather than individual lines and arcs. Even when they appear to have distinct lines in them, zooming into these images reveals a "blocky" look that confirms that what appears to be a line is really a row of colored pixels. Since a CNC machine usually cuts lines instead of dots, you cannot cut these images directly, so you must "trace" these images first to create lines that the machine can cut. An exception to this rule is an uncompressed gray-scale .tif file. Assuming that the background of the .tif image is darkest and the well-lit foreground of the picture is lightest, a ShopBot can cut a .tif file directly by equating the "amount of gray" in each pixel with a cut depth. Thus, by cutting deepest in areas of dark pixels and shallowest in areas of light-colored pixels, a three-dimensional object emerges in your material as the ShopBot cuts back and forth across the area, lifting and plunging the depth accordingly. Because the ShopBot moves back and forth across the material to do a 3D cut of a .tif file, the "solid white mass" (white square) you see in preview mode is what you are seeing because that's exactly how the ShopBot would move during cutting. Unfortunately, since the final result is largely a result of cut depth at every point on the material, the preview screen provides little information on how the object will turn out in this case. Bottom line: (1) if your original artwork is a digital image and you want to do a 2D outline cut from the image, you must trace it to create lines that can be cut; (2) the only way you can cut it directly (without tracing) is if the image is (or can be converted to) an uncompressed gray-scale .tif file; (3) cutting a .tif file directly will always give you a 3D cut rather than a 2D outline.
Regarding "tracing" of digital images ("raster-to-vector conversion" or "vectorization"), this is necessary because, as mentioned above, a CNC machine must have lines to follow instead of colors. You can trace your artwork from within CorelTRACE (part of CorelDraw) or in other programs by adjusting tracing settings until trace is as close as possible to your original, or "tracing" can be as informal as using the original artwork as a background in CorelDRAW to recreate the original with new text and new objects drawn over the raster image. Either way, the original would then be deleted and only the new lines saved as a dxf file.
Traced "vectorized" artwork and clipart in certain vector (line) formats (such as .eps format) are ready to be exported as a dxf file for use in either toolpathing software or in the ShopBot dxf conversion (FC command). If you open these types of artwork in CorelDraw from another source, you may want to save them first as a CorelDraw file before you export to dxf.
I hope this clears things up a bit.
David Nadeau
Technical Support
ShopBot Tools
08-30-2001, 10:04 PM
Perry one of the reason's you could be getting a
solid mass of white, is you have to center your export or saving file from corel..its output from there shows up on the shopbot converter at left bottom.. example if your screen work area is 96 x 48 inches like the shopbot table.. the you would have to save the file from 48,24 the ceter of your work area, it would then show at 0,0.. left bottom on the shopbot screen after conversion..
08-30-2001, 10:18 PM
Perry just a little bit of advice, I wouldn't spend a bunch of time with the "ocr trace" from any program..the reason being they are scanned in a rasterizing fashion, to make a vector image, the result is many many small broken segments, and because they are scanned from side to side they cut like that, if you have grey hair then carry on.. but if you "don't" you will have.. I suggest you get the full version of corel and learn the point to point tools or turbocad you can redraw the stuff you want with not to much problem..
08-31-2001, 12:53 AM
Hey, thanks Dave & Dan. I went home from work and tried the method I had interpretted earlier and was able to get an image on the preview screen. Dave, you list a LOT of useful information. I plan on playing a lot more. Now I am very excited about ordering. Still have to convince the bank that it is a good investment with endless returns.
Dave, you mention .eps formats. I have some software that I was intending on using the Shopbot for. I was going to make printed circuit boards with the Shopbot (original reason I started looking at a cnc in the first place) I realize the Shopbot hasn't got as tight a tolerance as some circuit boards may require, but for my applications I think that it will be fine. The idea of being able to use the machine for other industries only drives my fire further. I had priced out PC board specific machines @ $35k (Sorry that is Canadian Dollars, I am in Windsor Ontario). I make a few boards for sale (approx 30 a year) but I see a bigger and larger industry for the wood cutting capabilities. The above mentioned machine was a 12" x 12" table with a tolerance of 0.000015". Like I said, for my application the Shopbot should do fine.
Question: My Cad software for designing PC boards does create an .eps file. How would I get Shopbot to create a code and cut a file of this type? Understand that my software creates lines for electrical paths, I would need Shopbot to cut AROUND these lines (or said another way, to cut the white areas and not the dark areas)
Thanks Guys. Great forum too!!
08-31-2001, 01:05 AM
I'll add my two cents worth. Of late I have had to make a lot of different shaped recesses for police and security badges in small presentation boxes and what I do is first scan the badge into Corel 9 and then trace around it per say with the bezier tool trying not to get to many nodes, then when I get back to the beginning connect the endpoints. After that you can quickly node edit it by changing each line segment to curve, smooth, symmetrical, or cusp and moving the node handles to make a traced outline of the scanned image. After that, save as a .dxf and take into Vector to do the offset, or .dxf convert if you want it to cut on the line. The only problem I have with this method is the stray .dxf junk that has to be cleaned up in Vector before generating the .sbp file. Struggling with Vector is a whole other story :-(, I just thought I'd share how I get a outline in Corel.
08-31-2001, 11:27 AM
Scott if you are getting extra junk with your dxf
file from corel try the same file after you have
turned down your graphics acceleration, I have 5
computers with a variety of motherboards and
video cards, some never cause a problem but some do, and I have found it is either the graphics driver or the the acceleration that causes the problem..
10-05-2001, 08:28 PM
To Shirl.....
aside from corel trace, which takes along time
if its complicated. I own a 35 watt laser and use
a software called EuroVector. Simple and easy to use. drag your drawing over onto the open window
from Corel into Eurovector and click on vectorize
Image. It takes only about 10 seconds and it is
clean and editable. When done, drag it back over
to corel and your good to go. You'll find the soft
ware at WWW.
10-06-2001, 07:07 AM
Dan and RonV...
Have either of you guys checked out this EuroVector program that Randy Hansen has mentioned? It sounds like it might be pretty good IF it will do everything, or should I say, what we need done to vectorize something quickly.
10-06-2001, 12:26 PM
Gary there is no raster to vector program that will work 100% but there is a Free one
It will only work with Black & White Images
10-06-2001, 02:49 PM
There is another program called Adobe Streamline 4.0 for $122.00. It has a good set of tools for Vectorizing and keeping the number of node down. It is not free but the price is pretty good. You can download a demo program to play with. The URL is
10-09-2001, 01:43 AM
I try to convert my projects (Corel 10) in dxf but I failed. How do I do this? Help me.
10-09-2001, 01:35 PM
Balsanu, sorry that I can't help you with Corel, but I am sure that many others can help you. However, I am rather interested in what country you may be from? In your e-mail address I see .ro - are you from Roumania?
10-09-2001, 01:55 PM
Okay, Romania it is!
Please help Balsanu with his Corel 10 to .dxf conversion and he will feed you well . . . .
Romania's most novel dish is mamagliga, a hard or soft cornmeal mush which is boiled, baked or fried. In many Romanian households, it's served as the main dish. The other mainstay of the Romanian diet is ciorba (soup). The sweet-toothed won't starve: typical desserts include placinta (turnovers), clarite (crepes) and saraille (almond cake soaked in syrup). Romanian wines are cheap and good. Tuica (plum brandy) and palinca (distilled three times as much as tuica) are mind-blowing liqueurs taken at the beginning of a meal. Noroc! (Cheers!)
10-09-2001, 03:48 PM
What is the problem Balsanu, can you explain more,
is it you can't find the conversion in the shopbot
screen? if that is the problem, save as a dxf.file from the center of your corel page,it then will be at 0.0 for conversion.
10-09-2001, 04:12 PM
Dan, I seem to think that he cannot get his Corel 10 to produce .dxf files?
10-09-2001, 06:41 PM
If you don't have your filters installed,it can't
do anything with them..
Q. Where are the Plugins located? Why don't they appear on the Effects menu?
A. To install the Plugins:
1. Click Tools, Options, Workspace, Plug-Ins.
2. Click Add.
3. Browse to the C:\PROGRAMFILES\COREL\GRAPHICS10\PLUGINS folder. Double-click the first Plugins folder. Repeat this process for all remaining plugin folders.
4. Enable the Initialize filters at start-up.
10-10-2001, 02:58 AM
Thanks Dan. I would like to know if Corel 10 is capable to extrude bitmap or other images. If can do that tell me, how. If not ,tell me what soft do that (I try with Rhino but is slower and limitated). So if can help me feel free.
Thank you
10-10-2001, 11:29 AM
corel will extrude a vector, not a bitmap,it will
also emboss a bitmap, but they are not true
extrusion or embossing, as the geometry is just
visual.I'm guessing you are looking for something
to make 3d skins?
10-11-2001, 02:43 AM
You guess right Dan. So, if you can help tell me which are the right software. Send me some address.
Thank you
10-14-2001, 12:10 AM
I think I may have posted this message in teh wrong area earlier... sorry for any duplication. I just started using CorelDraw 8 yesterday to manually trace scanned images (.bmp files) using the Bezier tool. I manually traced the image, deleted the original image, saved it as a .dxf, and brought it into the ShopBot software where I converted it to a .sbp file. It worked great. First try and it cut like a champ. Only problem I have is trying to define the starting point (the point where the tool actually plunges into the work) as 0,0. When I converted to .sbp, there's an M2 move before the Z plunge and the start of the cut. For example, it the file starts something like this:
M2 -.9199, .8174
JZ -0.100
and then the cut starts from that point. Anyway to define the start point as 0,0 or even some other value where I want it to start? Any help is appreciated.
Lynn Dudenbostel (
10-14-2001, 12:11 AM
I just started using CorelDraw 8 yesterday to manually trace scanned images (.bmp files) using the Bezier tool. I manually traced the image, deleted the original image, saved it as a .dxf, and brought it into the ShopBot software where I converted it to a .sbp file. It worked great. First try and it cut like a champ. Only problem I have is trying to define the starting point (the point where the tool actually plunges into the work) as 0,0. When I converted to .sbp, there's an M2 move before the Z plunge and the start of the cut. For example, it the file starts something like this:
M2 -.9199, .8174
JZ -0.100
and then the cut starts from that point. Anyway to define the start point as 0,0 or even some other value where I want it to start? Any help is appreciated.
Lynn Dudenbostel (
10-14-2001, 02:26 AM
I really can't answer that question I have tried 3D and failed miserably, I think it will depend
a little on what kind of work you are going to do with it..
When you start a line drawing in any cad program,
it writes the information in the sequence you draw it..example if you use the circle tool in coredraw and pull a circle with the mouse,
you will notice a dot or something at the top..
if this is the first sequence in your drawing the
cut file will start at the top of the circle and
cut clockwise, then go on to your next input..
as you draw it thats the way it will cut..
Hpoe this makes sense..
12-21-2001, 03:24 PM
Can someone explain clearly how I can manage or create pocketing in corel 8? I want to make up a sign for my son. I would like to try to make the sign with raised letters. How is this done in Corel 8?
12-21-2001, 06:33 PM
Perry, email me what you would like to do and
I will make a short video of the moves to do what
you would like...
12-21-2001, 10:12 PM
Glad to hear from you Dan. Essentially, the various signs you see with the raised lettering is what I am attempting to create in COREL. I have learned that the various colours can be defined as different depths for a cut. I was hoping that by filling in an area around my lettering, or by placing a filled rectangle "in back" would allow me to define that whole area at a different depth. SUCH IS NOT the case. I know that this can be accomplished with Corel, I just am out of ideas as how to go about it now. I do wish that there was a tutorial on Vector. I have read in another thread that the function called pocketing does what I am attempting quite well. I just peeked at the manual for Vector this morning (368 pages in a .pdf format) To large for me to print out. And with working at my present job 12hrs a day, reading the manual on Vector comes after playing with my NEW PRT96 on my list of priorities. (All work & no play .....)
A short video may help Dan.
Thank you
I've been getting this weird problem in Corel 9. Things started getting weird after I installed their 2nd update for it. This is version 9.439.
I have not been able to pin down any specific thing I'm doing when it happens - it seems to just pop up whenever it gets the "bug". The only common denominator I have noticed is that it takes place immediately after clicking the mouse. I can be working in Corel for 5 minutes or an hour - it doesn't seem to be related to UNDO memory or temp file getting filled - but I could be wrong.
When it happens, the first error message is:
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
Runtime Error, Abnormal Program Termination.
Then when I click to exit that error message, Corel shuts down and another error message pops up:
This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down.
When I click on the more info box, it tells me:
Coreldrw caused an invalid page fault in module MFC42.DLL
Then it lists a bunch of stuff after "registers" and again after "stack dump".
Any of you Corel gurus had similar problems? If so how did you solve this? I have looked on the Corel tech support site and haven't found anything in the way of patches or updates after the one I had already installed.
01-22-2002, 07:01 PM
Hi Mayo, Guru is that a swear word.!!
A run time error usually means that a task can't be carried out...look for a corrupt file, missing file, registry report error, bad stick of memory..
usually gives and erratic mouse behavior before
a happening... if using win98 try system tools
and check system files and missing files..and do a registry check...win2k somewhat the same...
Its a start....
01-22-2002, 08:02 PM
This can also happen if you have and older version of MFC42.DLL. You should check Microsoft site to see if there is a newer version of this DLL. There are system tools that can tell you what version of MFC42.dll you have. Then download the new one, rename old one and copy the new one to the Windows\System directory. Also you can do a web search for MFC42.dll to see where else you can download it.
Good Luck
---- jerry
01-22-2002, 10:19 PM
Whoooaahhh! As a BotHead wannabe (I have not ordered yet), this thread has me spooked! I understand there will be problems, and I think this kind of mutual support is great, but it looks like one needs to be a computer scientist to avoid a lot of downtime, mistakes, ruined material, and PITA. Somebody tell me it just isn't THAT hard, or I'll have to take another look at my trusty jig saw!
01-22-2002, 11:52 PM
Make no mistake. A ShopBot can be an in-depth learning experience. I destroyed $50 worth of router bits today because I miscalculated a point and put a hold-down screw in the wrong place. Now that I have the 'sample' sorted out, I will be able to replace those bits every hour and still make money. If the customer was honest in asking for the product, I will be keeping my machine running for several days just making one particular piece of trim.
The nice thing about abut ShopBot now is the cutting file support. If you have contracted a part, the folks at ShopBot can either make the file for you or, find someone who can.
Many CAD programs will write files that the various supplied ShopBot conversion programs can digest. You will make some scrap. I use a wood stove for my mistakes. If you are cutting solid wood, the mistakes can be chipped and will make decent compost.
The old ShopBots required continuous tinkering. Once the rack and pinion was developed and adapted, the fiddle factor all but disappeared.
BUT, before you buy, figure out if the ShopBot will help your bottom line. If you are making one-of-a-kind stuff, the tool may not suit your use unless you can charge properly for it's time.
Ron Brown - (
If Stupidity got us into this mess,
then why can't it get us out? - Will Rogers
Mark, the problem I mentioned above is not related to ShopBot or ShopBot software at all. This was just about an error message that I get while using Corel Draw, software which is not required to run the ShopBot. And on my computer, Corel is the only program that is having this problem.
Yes, there will be a learning curve until you are comfortable using the ShopBot but it's not difficult. Repetition and following instructions aren't all that hard to do.
The fact that most people still haven't learned to program their VCR's doesn't necessarily make VCR's difficult to use. It just means their USER INTERFACE is difficult for a lot of people to understand. I think the ShopBot manual is a very easy to understand, logical, and step by step procedure for the assembly and running of the ShopBot. I'm sure TONS of time went into making it a USER FRIENDLY manual.
So, regarding this problem with the MFC42.DLL file, it appears to be a fairly common problem that results from installing poorly written software that does not check the version/date of the existing MFC42.DLL file on your system. This info was grabbed from Microsoft's tech area on the web. In spite of it being fairly common, there doesn't seem to be an easy way to fix it, without installing programs I don't need or have, (C++) and then uninstalling them, knowing that they will leave behind updated versions of the required DLL's.
It's not as simple as copying a newer file and overwriting or replacing the older file. These DLL's must be installed in pairs or groups that all belong together (according to the Microsoft site) otherwise further problems can arise with OTHER programs.
Also, Windows won't let me do anything to MFC42.DLL while running Windows.
So I'll live with it for awhile. I save my work in Corel very frequently to avoid loosing it from this error message.
01-25-2002, 04:19 PM
The way you get around the problem that Windows is locking the file is to go to shutdown and restart in DOS mode. You will get a C: prompt and now you can do anything to any file you want, so be careful. I have dealt with this many times and once the correct dll is installed the problems usually go away. Make sure that you create a DOS boot disk before doing any of this just incase the dll you change causes worst problems. That way you can use the boot disk to boot the PC again and change the files back. In most cases just changing the MFC??.DLL or MFCRT??.DLL is all that is needed.
If you still have questions you can e-mail me at (
---- jerry
01-25-2002, 04:34 PM
There is a similar problem with TurboCAD version 4. As soon as you install ANY program that uses a newer version of MFC42.dll, TurboCAD v4 stops working.
It turns that TurboCAD will first look in it's own folder for a dll before it checks in the Windows\system folder, so the solution is to get a copy of the original version of MFC42.dll and put it in same folder as the TurboCAD executable file. You don't need to register it or anything...just plop it in and you're off and running. TurboCAD support is aware of the problem and makes the old MFC42.dll available for download on their website.
Don't know if Corel works the same way, but it might be worth checking into.
Good luck,
01-25-2002, 10:03 PM
OK, Mayo, I understand what you're saying. You and others have related to me that ShopBot in and of itself is easy enough with a little practice and patience. I've been advised to use software that other BotHeads use and to stay away from programs like AutoCAD, which I have. I also have Corel 8. I would be willing to invest in any program that is the most trouble free, but I don't know what that is. Rhino 3D has been recommended. It would be nice if it was all standardized, would it not?
Anyway, thanks, and pardon me while I go peel the black electrical tape off of the flashing "12:00" on my VCR and see if I can program it!
01-26-2002, 01:08 AM
I use AutoCAD, Mark. But I don't DXF out and then use another program to write the ShopBot file. I offset for the toolpath, list the information needed in a logical cut order, and then go to Notepad and write the program. Generally I can do that in less than 30 minutes. But then I am not doing signs.
01-26-2002, 01:57 AM
Mark, AutoCad is fine! The best Cad for a newbie ShopBotter is the one that you already know, or that your friendly neighbour is willing to help you with at 10pm, on a Sunday!
02-10-2002, 12:50 AM
I made a quick wood graining video its on my website for those interested.. and woodgr.txt at http:/
10-11-2002, 05:42 PM
Hi. I just recently purchased Corel 9 and I need to find a font that is just single lines so that I can do simple small engraving. Is there anything available in Corel. I need to be able to fit this font to path as well. Thanks
11-13-2002, 11:53 AM
Hi Corel users,
I have Corel draw version 8 package with photopaint that I am just learning to use. I am contemplating upgrading to the version 11 graphics suite at educational price? Are the advantages much better in 11 over 8?
11-13-2002, 07:47 PM
danhamm, I can't get to you website I can get to you normal one but not the one with the/videoclips
is it a pay per view or what? David in Wyoming
11-13-2002, 10:47 PM
David they are now on Shopbots website, and they are free..
02-15-2003, 10:53 AM
help i have two problems. I have made a sign in corel draw 11 ,and exported as a dxf file. shop bot will try to convert the file,but dose not ask for the colors. when i preview the file nothing there ? 2 problem so i tride to make the sign in corel 8. when i try to combine the sign to add more then trim it . it tells me file is more than 64 mb cant combine?
i have been trying on two computers 98 and xp .the same problems , ps the file opens in auto cad tryed that to :} any help would be great (larry)
02-15-2003, 11:46 AM
Larry fire the file off to me and I will take a crack at it.
06-08-2003, 12:43 PM
I am trying to export a file made in corel 7 using the export as .dxf and then importing it into part wizard but the text does not show up, only the oval line around the text does .Plus I get various error messages. What am I doing wrong ? I also have photoshop7 and autocadlt2000 I dont really have the time to learn another program . Please advise . Am I looking in the right place?
06-08-2003, 01:04 PM
Try selecting all in Corel and exploding everything before you save as .dxf
06-08-2003, 03:22 PM
ENsure you have converted your text to curves and export as a autocad 9 version file.
06-08-2003, 05:45 PM
thanks Dale
I will give it a whirl
03-17-2004, 12:57 PM
I'm looking for Corel Draw. I found a few places I can get it on the internet for 30 - 40 dollars. Is this a goob buy? Its called Corel Draw 9 Suite. Its got the trace programs and such. This should do the dxfs out?
Anything else I should be weary of?
03-17-2004, 02:01 PM
ver 9 is a bit out of date. if you're going to need tech support from the company, check with them first to make sure you won't need to upgrade before they'll answer questions. (most companies aren't like ShopBot)
also make sure you're getting a legit serial number and registration key.
I use ver. 9 for a laser system I have (runs only under Win98). it'll work and for the price, it's a good buy.
03-17-2004, 04:09 PM
Corel Version 9 works under Win2K also and can usually be found legitimately on Ebay for 50's a steal at that price. You can upgrade afterwards for under 200 bucks to the latest version....D
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