View Full Version : Entering size and center point values

06-22-2007, 05:50 PM
Ive been listening in on these pages for quite some time but now I have my bot up and running and have some questions. I think the guys at SB are tired of talking to me so here goes! when trying to enter in values for size and center points for a simple square it will sometimes allow me to go 4 decimals and somtimes only 3 decimals even if it allows me to enter 4 I can go right back and it will only allow 3. Is there a setting somewhere I have missed? By the way the guys at SB have been extremely helpful. Thanks Ryan, Scott, Frank.
From all that I have read here on these pages I am sure someone can answer this for me

Brady Watson
06-23-2007, 02:48 AM
I have no idea why the program does this, but I can tell you right now that you won't see the difference between a part cut at 4 digits precision compared to 3 digits precision. A human hair is about 0.0009" thick and .009" is about 1/111 of an inch. If you can hold tolerances of 0.005" to 0.01" across the table, you've got your machine tuned very well.


06-23-2007, 09:37 AM
It wasnt a stumbling block for me I was just curious if I had missed somthing in my set up since it seems to have a mind of its own