View Full Version : Cant get tiff converter to work?
07-12-2004, 07:00 PM
When I try to uce the fc command on an 8 bit greyscale picture, I get the message "Path not found in module tiff2sbp at address 0559:03E5. Anybody know whats wrong?
I already e-mail support about it but still waiting for answers... I get the same message as you. DXF converter only works as erverse for me. Only V 2.39 converter (tiff)as work for me!?
Keep watching this threads...
From support:
...talked to the developers of the software. They have let me know that the tif converter is not working properly in SB3, so you will have to continue using the SB converter for these files, at least for the time being...
Even so, you could encounter an other problem about SB3 "unable to read too many lines"...
runtime error 9
To get my files to be read; I had it split (from around 40000 lines to 10000 lines files) then called in a MAIN file... that way it execute till the end. Looks like a problem about the previewer...???
Keep looking for update!!!
07-14-2004, 12:38 PM
Thanks Paco,
So what does that mean? Do I have to get an older version of the software for the Tiff converter to work properly? If so I guess I'll see if shopbot can send it to me because I only have the newest version.
It's not working under WIN control software...
If not, mail me...
07-15-2004, 11:30 AM
Ok, I have the old DOS version now. Time for the questions
1. Can I install the dos version without over writing my windows version and if so how?
2. I have windows XP, Can I run the dos version from the Command Prompt under accesories?
3. Is there a way to copy the tiff converter file from the dos program and use it to overwrite the file in the windows program?
Brady Watson
07-15-2004, 12:16 PM
1. Yes. Just load it on XP. Don't load your controlbox with it.
2. Yes. Just load it and dbl click on the shortcut. No need to mess with command prompt if you are not going to run a tool.
3. You can *try* to copy the DOS UX_TIF.exe to the Windows software folder where the current one resides. May sure that you 1st rename the original Windows one so that it isn't overwritten. Also make sure the DOS one has the exact same name as the Windows version.
Hope that helps.
07-15-2004, 01:43 PM
Ok, I might be getting closer.
I can't get the dos version to work, It says I have an invalid PIF file. However A couple of botters emailed me and told me the tiff converter doesn't like long file names, So I saved the file under my C Drive, c:
This made a difference, I no longer get the path not found message. The new problem is that the sb window that pops up has no place to enter values for bit depth in regards to greyscale color. Anymore suggestions folks? Thanks for the help so far!
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