View Full Version : Artcam Insignia 4 is out...

03-13-2007, 10:35 PM
But that's about all I know. Not much info online about it yet, and no demo available. Anyone know more about it? And what the upgrade cost might be from 3.6 (if there is one)?

03-13-2007, 11:40 PM
That's 495$usd (http://www.vectric.com/WebSite/Vectric/products/purchase.htm)...


03-14-2007, 12:22 AM
Nice going Paco, my thoughts exactly!

03-14-2007, 01:36 AM
Vcarve has no nesting. That's a deal breaker for us, for everything we do is custom. We are gonna get Cut3D from those guys, but unless Vcarve Pro has part nesting...

03-14-2007, 10:04 AM
Lots I could say that is better not said. I will keep my opinion in my head and my money in my pocket.

03-14-2007, 11:15 AM
Jeffrey, you may want to email Tony McKenzie at vectric and ask him about the new version of V-carve coming out in the next couple of months. It may have what you need.

03-14-2007, 01:10 PM
I was supposed to test V4 and did get my beta version up and almost running. Long story short, they released the thing without any contact with me. Now I'm no genius but this is the second time they've done this to me. When I beta tested V3 with the cabinetmaker module the only thing they did that I recommended was create a useless lable print option that I found to be more trouble than it's worth. The significant daily operating nusances have been largely ignored by Artcam. That's why I will not be giving them any more of my US dollars.

03-14-2007, 03:53 PM
Hey everyone, I know you're all big fans of Vcarve and the Vectric guys. I am too, and I'd love to have a cheaper and better supported option available to me (that doesn't require a dongle... that really bugs me). However, from the demos I've done Vcarve pro is lacking some key features we heavily use. I'll e-mail them and see if they might get added, but to us for now Insignia is worth the money. It's already paid for itself several times now.

I don't care what issues you may have with Artcam, Delcam, or if it doesn't fit your needs, I was asking about the possible upgrade price for v4. Y'all are kinda hijacking the thread here...

03-14-2007, 04:00 PM
You're right and I am sorry.

You need to get in touch with your reseller, nothing else... it all depends on that and your maintenance plan. No one else than ArtCAM staff and reseller can help you on that issue.

Good luck!

Brady Watson
03-14-2007, 05:34 PM
Just give ShopBot a call. I'm sure Scott, Dianne or one of the staff members can answer this for you. If not, I know they can find out.


03-14-2007, 05:41 PM
Oops, my bad, I guess it just slipped out;)
I just got an email from Artcam yesterday outlining the upgrades and changes. If I can find it on my other computer I'll forward it to you. I do agree that Artcam is a very powerful and useful tool. My experience with Artcam is unfortunate and however,irrelevant to your question. Please accept my most humble appologies.

03-14-2007, 06:50 PM
Kip: I, too, have cursed Artcam a great deal. Some of what it does is vital to what we do, but man, is it buggy.

I got a e-mail about Artcam 4, but mine didn't have any prices on it. I'll call Shopbot.