View Full Version : 2.5 D Elk
03-08-2004, 10:21 PM
I would like to know how to create a 2.5 D elk carving that would be carved into a Entry door raised panel.
What software would be used ?
Could I scan an Image and if so what steps are to be taken to create a file that the shopbot could carve.
ron brown
03-09-2004, 07:22 AM
That's a fairly vauge description. If you could direct us to a similar product, someone might be able to formulate an answer.
03-09-2004, 07:56 AM
Well, it depends on what you want with 2.5 Dimension. I carve a maltese cross out, that I would guess is 2.5D. But someone may need to correct me on that one. I do it by layers. I cut one set of details out of one layer, and then cut a second depth for the next layer and add details to it. I cut out an elk pub sign, that had just the outline of an elk. With a little work, I could probably give him a little depth. Just my thoughts this morning...
03-09-2004, 08:36 AM
I replied to your email address but the message was returned as undeliverable.
Would you like for me to create a toolpath file for you, or do the carving for you?
You can contact me at BattenProducts(at)charter(dot)net
03-09-2004, 09:13 AM
Here is a link to a web site that has an elk carving in a panel. This carving is more than I was wanting to do but the Idea is there.
Sorry about the email address, it is jdhouse57@msn (mailto:jdhouse57@msn) .com. I hope that this website I refered to clears up the issue, but keep in mind it is just the elk image that I am interested in .
03-18-2004, 06:22 PM
If you want to carve like that you will need ArtCam Pro and still it's not as easy as scan and carve. I have Bobcad 19 and regret the day I bought it, they told me I could use Bob art to do things like that. They basically lied, you can do similiar things but getting them to a file format that ShopBot can use is the problem. This is where ArtCam comes in.
03-19-2004, 09:03 AM
Could you cheat the graphic?
What I mean is this... Give the impression of a 2.5D graphic by removing the area around the elk, say a quater of an inch or so, and then do an outline of the elk with a tapered bit, say a 100 degree tapered bit. Then do an online cut of all the detail of the elk with the same bit. This will give the impression that the elk is actually relief carved when in fact you are doing a surface online and removing the background envirnoment to allow your elk to stand out. Have a look at my Against the grain picture under projects and pictures, this is what I have done here with the beaver and it gives the suggestion to the viewr of a relief or 2.5D carving. Admitedly I would rather have it in a true relief form but as my software will not allow this I have to make due.
03-25-2004, 11:07 PM
I may be able to help with the 3d files you are looking for. See ( We have hundreds of files and are adding at the rate of 10 per week. We can also do custom files that can be run on your ShopBot.
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