View Full Version : Windows 95

06-01-2004, 01:03 AM
Will 3.0 work under windows95? I remember reading someware that it won't, but in the readme text file it mentions using windows95.
If I recall correctly there was some issue with the timing on the prt controler that wouldn't allow windows95 to use the controlers timing. Has this been overcome?

06-03-2004, 08:29 PM
Can anyone from ShopBot answer this?
I don't want to take the time and install it on my shop windows95 machine if its not going to be of any benefit.

SR (Unregistered Guest)
06-03-2004, 11:32 PM
No it wont run under Win98.

Brady Watson
06-04-2004, 01:02 PM
I would not recommend running the new windows software under win95 for several reasons.

First, the installation notes only mention 98,ME, 2000 and XP operating systems. You can view this on the front page of the SB site (link at bottom)

95 is not a very stable operating system. At the very least you should be running Win98 Second Edition if you are going to run the new software. If you are still running 95, then chances are you are running a slow CPU by today's standards...and probably a bit light on the RAM too. The new software NEEDS a fast computer (750MHz +) and a decent amount of RAM (128M or more). This of course is my opinion and based on my experience. There are a lot of windows controls running in the new version that depend on a beefy processor and the RAM to do it. The 3D views come to mind here.

If i ain't broke, don't fix it! I run Win98SE in the shop and still use DOS. I like DOS because it is lean & mean and has never crashed on me EVER. (Not that the Win version has)

My advise is to install it on a fast machine to take advantage of the previewing functions and new virtual tools. Make your files in there and run them in DOS. You won't notice any major diference running the new software and moving the tool with a standard PRT...At least I didn't.

Just my .02,

06-04-2004, 02:50 PM
ShopBot Control System software version 3 will run under Win98 but not Win95.

SR (Unregistered Guest)
06-04-2004, 10:37 PM
Sorry support; I meant "below" or "older" than
Win 98... Sorry Toys!

Still... got to try it!!! :-)