View Full Version : Conversion Sequence Criteria

10-06-1999, 01:46 PM
How do I get the conversion of a DXF to a Shopbot file do an efficient sequence. I am doing a post with a profile.I tried to draw it in the sequence I want it to run but it moves from top to bottom to middle etc.
Is there another wat other than cut and paste?

10-06-1999, 07:12 PM

I am not sure what program you are using, but if
it is something like Bobcad, Vector, or another
"CAM" (Computer Automated Machining) program, you
could output the program as "G-code" and use the
ShopBot's G-code converter.

G-code is generally a more machine orderly control
language (ie a G-code program would not start at
the bottom of a pocket and then machine upwards").

Oh, Vector will even output ShopBot code directly,
so you do not have to convert from G-code to
ShopBot language.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me

Bruce Clark
bwclark@centuryinter.net (mailto:bwclark@centuryinter.net)

10-07-1999, 02:04 AM
I, too, have this problem. The cad program is AutoCad. The file format is DXF. Conversion is via the ShopBot converter. Sequence is scrambled regardless of the order in which line entities are drawn. Cut and paste is a hassle. Anybody have a fix?

10-07-1999, 09:22 AM
I've been using Turbo Cad and it has the function "to front/back" that sends the currently selected item to the the front or back of the drawing order. After I finish my drawings, I go through them in the most logical cutting order selecting one line at a time and sending to the back. After the entire drawing has been reordered
simply save as a dxf file and then use the dxf converter to translate to shopbot commands.

10-08-1999, 09:39 AM
If you're using TurboCAD 6 Professional, there's a macro available for download on their version 6 pro forum ( go to www.turbocad.com and follow the forums link ), that lets you combine several seperate entities that are touching ( including any compination of lines, curves, arcs, ellipses ) into a single polyline. The thread to download the macro is titled "join touching lines and arcs into a polyline".

Bill Young

seaside@esva.net (mailto:seaside@esva.net)

10-08-1999, 07:16 PM
IF one is "programming" a sequence for LOTS of use it's worth the time to get the sequencing efficient.
I have noticed that MY CAD does things in order.
So ... IF it's not too much work and if it's gonna be worth the time then I'll copy each line to a new location IN THE ORDER the I WANT ( after getting it drawn the way I want )
Lastly I move everythiong back to the original location.
OR I'll "go over" everything in another color (snapping to the originals) THEN blow away everything in the original color leaving the redrawn lines that are "ordered".
I know thats a lota work for bigger jobs.
The only alternative is to draw it right the first time but ... whos that "forsighted" ?

The "chaining" into polylines works well in some instances but for the ENTRY and EXIT points I havent found a better way yet.

None of this stuff is really "turn key" !
We seem to be evolving our own "art form"

Bob Neitzke

10-08-1999, 09:37 PM
Bob if your CAD has a front/back command you don't need to redraw just select each line and send it to the back of the stack.

10-09-1999, 03:55 PM
I'm familiar with the concept from other programs, but not as realates to My CAD ( MicroStation ). Hmmm ?

Once elements are placed in the cad-file they
stay in that order even if "somewhat" changed i.e. color etc.
Apparently major element changes DO reposition them within the design file.

Thanks for the tip, however. That would certainly work on programs that support the feature.

I do try to "think ahead" as much as possible and place line-strings or shapes (viewed as single elements) when possible to lower the rework load (if any).
Again if it's a ONE-OFF job it's usually not a big deal.

10-15-1999, 09:57 AM
I have also been having problems with sequencing. I use my ShopBot to cut plywood panels for boats so all of my work is 2D files. I use AutoCAD LT to generate DXF files. Unfortunately there does not appear to be any "back/front" command in AutoCAD LT. I have started exporting individual parts as .dxf files, each of which is a polyline, converting them to .sbp files and reassembling them in an appropriate order. This has eliminated the problem with sequencing and the ShopBot not raising between parts (oops!). The only problem is that it's very time consuming, some of my panels may have 20 or 30 parts. A friend mensioned the possibility of using a batch file to do the convertion to .sbp but said he needed the format for the "command line". Can anybody help me with this?

10-15-1999, 02:55 PM
I'm not sure if it's possible to do this but ...

If we could run the SB, in preview mode, in a smaller window ( smaller than full screen ) then we could have an alternate editor open in another window. Using the FG command and stepping thru ( sometimes in a scaled fashion to see whats really happening) THEN we could arrainge lines in the alternate editor IF things are just right.

Ted might be able to help here as well.

I also wonder about the "optimization" that Tedd was going to be built into the new SW. IF it is actually doing optimization during conversion, THEN no matter what we do in CAD may become ineffective, re cutting order.
The only recourse is to edit the file.

Regarding the Format ... go to that website that Ted mentioned elsewhere in the Forum ( today or yesterday) and GET THE NEW Command ref manual.

I just printed my copy on LaseJet and 3 Ringed the whole shootin match :-)

Ron B
10-15-1999, 10:34 PM
Sea Dog,

Have you tried the HPGL converter?

Could be worth looking into.


10-16-1999, 10:56 AM

I'm not very famliar with AutoCAD, but there's a command called PEDIT that lets you combine individual polylines that are touching at their ends into one single polyline. I think you can also include arcs in the chain of polylines, but I'm not sure.


10-16-1999, 12:49 PM
I guess I worded my final question poorly. I generate 30 - 80 .dxf files and want to use a DOS batch command to run the UX convertion utility to convert all of them at once. I need the format for the DOS command line for the converter. I do "polyline" everything that I can which speeds the process quite a bit but I mainly build sea kayaks which have a lot of small parts that don't touch. I am not familiar with the HPGL converter. What is it and where do I get it? Thanks for all the help!

10-16-1999, 04:20 PM
just do a c:\dir /b *.dxf > filename.bat

This will yeild a brief directory i.e. one with JUST the names and send them to the file name via the ">" , AKA redirection

OK now just use an editor to cut and paste the
converter invocation in front of the file names.

I'm not sure BUT if the converter accepts arguments like "some" batchfiles do, THEN, you could also place the answers to the questions AFTER each filename with the editor also.

Now just run the filename as a batch file.


ux_dxf.exe filename.dxf 2 .25 1.235

where the 2 is the answer for the 2d/3d question
and the .25 is the answer for the ZUP question
and the 1.235 is the answer for the depth.

I'm gonna go try this next cuz I'm not sure if the converter accepts arquments and I havent been that discerning when I read the manual either.

TED ??? whatcha think ???

10-16-1999, 04:29 PM
Well ...

The arguments portion of my idea did NOT work :-(

sorry !

the invocation portion does work, however.

10-17-1999, 09:29 PM
if you are using autocad lt97 or 98, when saving to a dxf file there is a option radio button you can check, next pick the select order option. this allows you to select the order the file is written. just pick the order you want, it works - however, autocad changes the way it writes dxf files with each version of autocad. i do have to play with, or write to, different versions of autocad dxf files (12,13, etc...) in order to get a good shopbot conversion. i am not certain which version of autocad dxf file the shopbot conversion program was written for. it seems to change with each shopbot bata version.

10-18-1999, 09:31 AM
You are right! I found the "Select Objects" command (AutoCAD LT 98) in the .dxf out window a little while ago but had no clue that it would order the output in the selected order. It works great and I have a reasonable number of files to deal with. Much thanks!!!