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I was sent a file today that was supposed to be in 2-d but it looks like its in 3-d and when I run it in the SB preview screen it only does about half the lines. I also notice a layer called DEFPOINTS that I'm thinking must have to do with 3-d stuff. Any way to get this bugger "flat" with everything in the same layer?
09-04-1999, 08:22 AM
Here are a couple of things to try. First I would suggest saving the file with another name in case you screw it up; you'll have the original as a backup.
Go to the EDIT menu and click on SELECT ALL. Right click anywhere in the selected part and make sure that you are in Selector 3D Mode. If there's an item in that menu that says SELECTOR 2D PROPERTIES, click on it and under the GENERAL tab select 3d MODE. Also make sure that the SCALE Z item is checked in the inspector bar settings on the SELECTOR 3D tab.
When you get back to the drawing you should be able to set the Z-SCALE to 0 from the inspector bar along the bottom of the drawing, and basically mash the drawing flat.
You could also try EDIT, SELECT BY, then LAYER, and select the DEFPOINT layer. Delete it and see if the 3d stuff is gone and the parts you want remain. My guess is that this won't work, but it's worth a try,
Good luck,
09-04-1999, 10:57 AM
One more thing. After you are finished scaling the Z-axis to zero, you probably ought to set the selector properties to 2d mode while everything's still selected. I don't know if it makes a difference in the dxf file, but it might.
Thanks Bill, I screwed around with the file enough that I finally got it to work (but basically had to re-draw it.) I ended up doing everthing in AutoCAD since I really can't stand TurboCAD but use it some for its fonts and stuff. I did find that no matter what Z height the layer is drawn in as long as you convert from DXF with the 2D option it doesn't seem to matter.
Thanks for the help. I'll mess with the options you mentioned some more on another file I have more control of and see what I can learn.
06-04-2001, 09:40 AM
Is anyone using either TurboCAD v5 or v6.5 on a windows ME system? I have recently upgraded the house computer and it came with ME. I have been unable to run TurboCAD or the SB software. The SB icon appears but reads not enough conventional memory. Had anyone modified conventional memory on a windows ME system? Scott
06-04-2001, 03:50 PM
Scott how much ram do you have?, I do not have and never will use Windows Me because 90% off all my programs will not work on it, so I went back to win98
Your best bet is to check out the Turbocad Home Page and see if there is a patch for it? or send them an email and explain the problem you are having.
Ron V
01-16-2002, 04:01 PM
TURBOCAD 6.5 - New to me, got a problem and can not find the simple fix.
I want to cut a 7.00 in circle 0.875 thick. I want to cut in three passes. So I drew first layer in red to cut -0.3 in deep, next layer blue to cut
-0.6 deep, and last black to cut -0.875. Well it cut three passes ok but all three were at -0.3.
I also had 6 holes with -0.3 depth in red they worked and one hole in black that was set at-0.875 and did so. What simple thing did i over look or not get set up in t-cad. Any and all help welcome. Dan Casstown, Oh
David Fisk
01-16-2002, 10:59 PM
Dan, I don't know about your specific problem. I just wanted to let you know I've experienced funny problems with the same program. When I do I select what I need, copy it to the clip board, then open a new document and paste the pieces back in. This has helped work around some unknown bugs.
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