View Full Version : Drawing displace
06-19-2005, 11:25 PM
Odd glitch just started with my files. 2D drawings losing their location and straight lines expanding 100 fold in the ShopBot preview.
Going from Rhino Dxf file converted too Shopbot file.
Ive tried every known export version, joining, grouping, changeing colors, doesn't make any difference. I've check the unit values too.
All the same result....
Brady Watson
06-20-2005, 01:12 AM
Try exporting each shape individually out of Rhino & toolpath them individually with the converter.
06-20-2005, 01:53 AM
It's very strange, everything was working fine until today.
I can do a single circle or square Dxf file in rhino. Converts and previews just right. But when I add more than one shape they go nuts, relocateing, missing lines, extra lines etc etc.
The cut circle(CP) and cut rectangle(CR) commands work with no problem.
So I can't decide where the problem is.
I guess I'll try reinstalling rhino and shopbot software.
06-20-2005, 11:32 AM
I reinstalled everything, but still same problem. The Shopbot logo and the spirl files preview all screwy too...(see pics) So I'm sure its the ShopbotSoftware at this point, instead of my rhino program. I've shut down all other running programs, turned off screensaver and background...No such luck. Again it was all wroking great the day before yesterday.... Any ideas?
Hi Arrow,
have you tried to delete (or move, say to the desktop) the shopbot.ini (?:\Program Files\ShopBot\ShopBot 3\shopbot.ini) file to re-create a new one?
Any chance your in RELATIVE mode (I've tried it to duplicate but cannot... just check it)?
06-20-2005, 03:06 PM
Suggestion #1: Update your video driver.
Suggestion #2: Export your 2D Rhino files in Adobe Illustrator (.ai) format, you will get a better quality cut over dxf.
Brady Watson
06-20-2005, 03:43 PM
Suggestion #3...Make sure you are running the latest version (v9) of DirectX. If not, it will cause funky problems.
06-20-2005, 05:42 PM
Suggestion #4....IF you are running Windows XP.... go into "System Tools" under "Accessories" in your program files. Click on "System Restore" and using the wizard, type in the last date that everything worked fine. This will take your computer "back in time" to that point and should undo whatever you may have done. This should solve your problem. The process is of Luck....D
06-21-2005, 12:19 AM
One of the first things I tried was the system Restore. No change. I'm wondering if it was a automatic windows update, or my anti-virus software. But I'll check out the shopbot.ini,video drivers, and DirectX right now.
06-21-2005, 04:20 AM
I updated DirectX and let shopbot reset a new .ini file. ShopBot preview is working normal now. Thanks for all the help.
Mike Windsor
06-21-2005, 11:17 PM
check the values in the rhino dxf export dialogue . Also make sure that you are exporting a version 12 dxf . I've never used the SB converter , but when I used Vector it didn't like acad2000 files
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