12-19-2001, 03:42 PM
Sorry about the previous post. I cannot fiqure out how to start a new topic. I thought I would get to preview the previous post and perhaps find an appropriate button. Sorry about this off topic post as well. I have designed a 30 X 20 inch cross with curved sides. All four points of the cross are also curving in as though the cross were wrapped on a large sphere. I am making a form for gluing laminations in a vacuum bag to make the cross. I would like to shape the inside of the form with the Shopbot and also to trim the cross after it is laminated and veneered. I designed the cross on Vectorworks (not Vector) on a Mac and have a dxf of the 3d shape but have had no luck making a cut file. I spent several hours in Vector and gave up. The lines curve in both the top view and the side view. Help.
Wayne Locke
Wayne Locke