View Full Version : ArtCAM users, please post feedback

12-11-2000, 11:42 AM
I am a "new" shopbotter and am looking into ArtCAm for use in 3D signage. I need something that gets the work done quickly. Time is money and I need to produce as quickly as possible. Even though the software price is steep, I have it budgeted.


01-26-2001, 08:52 AM

I looked at the ArtCAM web site and the product looks very good to me. How much does it cost (while bracing myself for the answer)?

01-26-2001, 11:58 PM

You might want to look into ModelMill instead of
Artcam. It is about 1/2 as much and has almost
(if not all) the functionality of Artcam.


Bruce Clark
bwclark@centurytel.net (mailto:bwclark@centurytel.net)

01-27-2001, 02:11 AM

Another one to look at that works alot like
Artcam (about $7500) is Bitcam ($1100).
They have downloadable demo.
Not fully functionable

However I too think ModelMill is a fine program.
I hope it's still around when I can afford it.


01-27-2001, 02:28 AM
Sorry Aaron,

My prior response was to Mr. Cleaver's post.
Didn't see yours.

I'm with Bruce, if High Quality fast* signs
is what you want. ModelMill is the way to go.

* Fast is in reference to the designing time.
Cutting time takes quite a bit longer with
any 3d package, with the exception of 3d
centerline v-carving(which is really fast).
Casmate, EngraveLab, Enroute and others offer this feature.


01-27-2001, 03:16 AM
Dang, Im always to eager to hit
the post button.

I can't really speak for ArtCam.
I've never used it. I don't know anyone who
has it. I have used ModelMill.
The only thing I would advise is that you
look into how you would aquire 3d Models for
use in your signs. The net has many for download.
Some can be pricy. Most are way too basic.
Shopbot's probe would be a good
way to build libraries in your spare time, if you
have any. I have seen 3d Model cd's for sale
(don't have the links). Another way is Roland's
Picza 3d digitizer. Scan area approx 6"x4"x1 5/8".
Resolution approx. .002. Price around $1000.
Its still time consuming, but doesn't tie up
your SB. Be sure to look at MillWizard ($250).
Looks like a really good buy.


01-30-2001, 12:20 PM
I bit the bullet right after Christmas and purchased ArtCam so I could write it of on taxes... I ashamed to say that I haven't even had time to install it yet.


01-31-2001, 12:20 AM
We are looking very closely at Artcam having used mill wizard to get 3d froms from FormZ. ArtCam 5 is very impressive as it should be for almost $7000. I have to reevalute modelmill as we need more than MillWizzard but less than a full blown milling path generator. I hear also that the gang at Vector has a program similar to Millwizzard and are working on something to compete with Modelmill and Artcam. However, Vector drives me nuts so I will not wait for that one.


Harry Lucas
02-02-2001, 08:02 PM
I have been using ArtCam for about 2 months, its a nice program, one thing I don't like about it is you can not do layers. Set up is pretty easy for 3D work. I also use Cimigrafi which is similar to ArtCam you may want to look into this program. Both of these programs are more for art work they are not a cad program like BobCad or MasterCam.

04-01-2001, 12:37 AM
I am curious as to how people are getting output from artcam to shopbot. What format is working the best?

Mayo Pardo
04-03-2001, 12:12 AM
When I inquired about Artcam, I was told by a dealer that they have to write an output driver specific for your type of machine, and that the software does not come with this capability "off the shelf", or as boxed.

I think Artcam saves in it's own file format which shopbot would be unable to open.

The dealer I spoke with was selling the Artcam software including the output driver (post processor) for $7500. They recommended their 2 days of training for an additional $1000.00

No thanks.

11-25-2001, 02:47 PM
I am very new to CNC Routers & the software. I like what I see in ShopBot but am very confused about the software issue. Am willing to spend the dollars in the right places. I would appreciate any input to get me looking in the right direction. I will doing a lot of 3D type of artsy stuff for signs & mould/pattern making. Are there any users in Alberta, Canada? Thanks.

03-28-2002, 10:53 PM
i have used artcam for aprox. 3 yrs.
it rules for 3d stuff and cad like stuff.
it writes shopbot code.
it is also easy to edit the post if you aren't to affraid of programin languages.
they will give you plenty of suport.
at least the detriot, mi. sales reps have.
i am interested in model mill.
the upgrade prices for art cam are 1000 Plus ea. time.
i met modelmill programer in cali and he seemed very human.
the program seemed very similiar.
i would like to try it.
any questions about artcam feel free to ask.

04-03-2002, 01:58 AM
Shane - I tried a demo of Artcam but it did not contain any shopbot driver or post processor so I really couldn't "demo" it completely. From what I understand, the commpany writes you a specific driver depending on what machine you use?

04-03-2002, 08:18 PM
There is a company in Spain that has a 3d program just like Artcam, it will take a bitmap and make a 3d relief file, cost is $200.00, will get more info on it as it comes in, might be just the program everyone is looking for?

Ron V

04-03-2002, 09:15 PM
Ron I can't download from the server I use Gozilla and all I get is a no response need help E-mail me at dands50@hotmail.com (mailto:dands50@hotmail.com)also I didn't get your attachment just blank I use paint shop or Corel photo paint to view Thank Dave