View Full Version : 3D Eagle File Suggestions

10-12-2005, 02:00 PM
Like Kevin mentioned in his thread, I was also inspired by the 3D art that was covered at the Midwest camp and I'd like to slowly begin incorporating that into my work. As a starting point, I'd like to include a 3D carving of an eagle into some promotional samples I have in mind. The problem, however, is that I can't seem to locate what I'm looking for. I'd like to find a 3D version of an eagle in a similar pose to that pictured below:


If I could find this in STL format, then I could take it to Millwizard and cut it. I've spent quite a bit of time scouring the internet looking for the file with no luck. I've checked several sites including: 3D CNC Art, Vector 3D Clipart, 3D Cafe, Turbosquid, etc. I found some fish, squirrels, and deer, but no eagles (thought that would be a popular animal). This jpg picture is all that I could come up with for an eagle in a pose that is close to what I want. Hopefully, one of you resourceful folks can point me in the right direction.

Assuming that the file does not already exist, any suggestions on my next best option?

I have the following software to work with:

- Part Wizard (1.02 working on getting the upgrade to 2.0)
- Autocad 2002
- Rhino (Trial version with most of the limited saves still available, but I'm not sure if that version allows files to be saved in STL format)
- Millwizard
- VCarve Wizard (In the purchase process and awaiting the license info to unlock the software)

Unfortunantly, I'd have to classify myself as a novice in most of these programs and less so in the 3D versions. Also, as eductional as it would be, I'm not sure that learning 3D drawing is the best use of time at the moment. I'm still new to this and I have a million and half other things to learn first.

So, what would you all suggest? Should I abandon this idea for a simplier, already available design? Maybe there is a Vcarving solution that would work just as well? I really hate to give this idea up. I have a clear picture of how I want it to turn out and I think it would be a great sales tool to open up some doors. Looking forward to your input.



10-12-2005, 04:25 PM

Do you have the eagle in the picture? Because if so we may have several options. If not then we can(with a littel time) convert this eagle in your picture to a 3d stl file. Once we are done we will upload it to 3dcncart.com site and make it available for everyone.
We have several eagles prepped to be uploaded to the 3dcncart.com site. Once our shopping cart is fully operational you will see many more carvings available. The site is just currently under beta testing stages and we hope to be fully operational in the next few weeks. Also we will be offering some carvings on Shopbots Projectwizard as well in the near future.


10-12-2005, 08:42 PM
Bill - No. I don't have the eagle pic. The picture I posted is just something I found while looking through several pages of pictures on Yahoo to give an example of what I'm looking for. There were many other, better quality, pictures of eagles in different postions, just not the one I'm trying to find. I can spend some more time, however, and see if I can locate a better version that might be suitable to start the 3D work. If I'm successful, I'll get in touch with you.

I'm looking forward to your site being up and running full speed. I like what you have up there so far and plan to buy some of those to work with in the near future. I'm glad to see something like that being made available.

Do you have any 2D pictures of the eagles your planning to offer that you might email me? I could take a look at those to see if they might be another option when they become available.



10-13-2005, 09:01 AM
We have that eagle.
at the bottom of the page under images, third from the left. costs $50 for the stl or .sbp.
we also have POSER and can manipulate birds(all animals) and convert them to stl or sbp.


10-13-2005, 07:28 PM
Gene - Thanks for the link. What you have is close, but I'm also working on a few other alternatives now. I'm going to see how they turn out before I go that route. I hadn't been to your site before and did not realize that you offered files like that for sale. Something I'll have to keep in mind. Thanks again.
