View Full Version : Problem with FC from DXF with 2 routers

04-21-2007, 05:10 PM
I have the latest SB Version 3.4.30 installed on my PC and tried to convert a DXF for a Z and A axis with very unhappy results.

The fill in box had all the correct information and the box for the Accessory was checked as well as the color that the Acc. would be cutting. BUT after the conversion the preveiw showed only the Z doing the cutting. Let me tell you I was very disappointed.

I did have a program that I wrote to switch from Z to A anywhere I wanted it to within a program, but it will not work with the new SB software.

I know that Partwizard 2 will work and for now I will have to use it. But I would prefer to use the SB converter. Reason being that Partwizard will write an encyclopedia to make a few simple moves. The SB generated code is short and sweet and easy to edit if I need or want to.

Is it possible that I am missing something. If anyone has a suggestion or knows how to get this to work I would Realy appreciate your response.

If this is a known problem, I know there are quite a few botters out there with a second Z axis and this "improvement" has been a long time coming, I hope you guys are going to work on getting the new fill in stuff to work.

Sorry if I'm rambling but this is very frustrating especially when I had something that worked very well before the new OS.


04-21-2007, 05:37 PM

I don't know about using the dxf convertor with an A axis but it could be working correctly...the previewer doesn't show either A or B axis moves because there are so many motions that can be done with these accessory axis' besides using them as a second Z.

Have you looked at the converted file to see if it has A axis moves?


p.s. If you can send me info on your Z to A program I'll see if I can figure out why it's not working any more.

04-22-2007, 12:51 AM
Hi Bill,

Thanks for such a quick response to my post.

I have looked at the converted file and there is nothing to indicate an offset and there are no A axis moves, all Z. It's like it totaly ignored the fill in sheet. Has anyone had success with the fill in converting with 2 Z's with something other than a DXF?


When I have run a file in preveiw mode that has code for the A axis, it does show the A changing position, even with the new OS.
Thanks for the offer to check over the Z to A and back again programs. I really appreciate it. I will e-mail the files to you. These programs only worked on the machine with different size stepper motors on Z and A.
Thanks again,