View Full Version : Partwizard confusion

10-16-2006, 01:08 AM
Ok im new so I don't see the obvious. If you look at the screenshot I want to make signs for the grandkids bedrooms. I take the text tool and wrap it around a curve when it was made as one object (Dessie's Room) and it follows the curve but the word room is upside down on bottom of curve. When I made them as seperate objects (Dessie's/Room)
I was only able to wrap "room" to the inside diameter of the circle. I was able to move it down but the word follows the diamter of the inside of the curve not the outside.Do I make the words "Dessie's Room" as 2 seperate text objects? And how do i get the word "room" to follow the outside diameter on the bottom so it reads correctly?
As a side note when uploading an image, after you have typed all this if you have a problem with the image you lose all text, is there a way to prevent that? Maybe get inthe habit of uploading image before typing?


Brady Watson
10-16-2006, 01:42 AM
Split the text into seperate words. Offset the circle either in or out (depending on finished size) and set the 2nd set of text to that one.

This is covered in the PW video, which you should have gotten with your tool if you bought it in the last year or so. If not, they are available for purchase from ShopBot.


10-16-2006, 02:10 AM
Yes I got that and following along with it, it discussed lining the text along a curve but in its example "Room" would be upside down on the bottom. Not sure what you mean by "Offset the circle either in or out (depending on finished size)"
After you wrote that, it occurred to me that i need to create another circle bigger than the original circle that the word room would follow from the inside radius of that circle...is that what you mean? (long pause) I think i got it!!
Thanks that helped me brady


Brady Watson
10-16-2006, 10:53 AM
You got it, jack!

If the text gets to be upside down, then just click the checkbox 'text on other side'.


10-16-2006, 11:13 AM
Save the file before you upload the image. That way if you have a problem, you can close the file (without saving it) and then re-open it to get back to where you were.