View Full Version : 2 softwares I found useful and cheap
09-08-2009, 07:46 AM
I recently added these 2 software to my collection. They are cheap and do a pretty nice job of converting file formats(1) and the other one is an inexpessive way to manipulate and/or create 3d shapes.
AccuTrans3D is the converter $20
Daz3d - Hexagon 2.5 is the edit, $150
04-23-2011, 03:17 AM
I could get a hold of one, what it does?
Is it similar to WorkParts?
04-23-2011, 12:35 PM
I had looked at Daz because i get their newsletter and some of the stuff guys create is amazing however i went to their forum and asked a question and couldn't get a definitive answer. Maybe you know.
What i wanted to find out was, does the program output a 3D file that we could use like stl or other? Were these files just a 2 or 2.5D?
04-26-2011, 12:19 PM
Hexagon will export to .stl, .obj, .3ds, .dxf, .dwg. .a3d and .car formats.
06-03-2011, 12:50 PM
I recently added these 2 software to my collection.
They are cheap and do a pretty nice job of converting file formats
and the other one is an inexpensive way to manipulate and/or create 3d shapes.
AccuTrans3D is the converter $20
Daz3d - Hexagon 2.5 is the edit, $150 Your suggestion of AccuTrans3D might be the answer to our problem
and I'm thinking I'll download it --but which version?
I've visited their website, but am unsure whether I should get the first version I see
-or the DLL version (or is that just a .dll file ??).
Our problem:
We've been supplied some graphics/artwork in .jpg and other familiar-to-Photoshop formats.
We have Photoshop, and so can convert to bitmap or anything that Photoshop 7 can do...
but how do we convert these graphics we've been given by the client
to a .dxf file or to .ccd
(we're still using Vector-9 to design cut-files for our PRT-96)
Hopefully AccuTrans3D will prove to be the transition?
Any suggestions will be helpful, at this stage!
06-03-2011, 01:23 PM
"but how do we convert these graphics we've been given by the client
to a .dxf file or to .ccd"
depending on what the graphics are you may not be able to convert a photo to vectors.
If it is a photo of vectors then you will be able to, but not knowing what you are trying to convert, its hard to say. Maybe post it for us to see and advise.
06-03-2011, 01:31 PM
Don't think accutrans is what you're looking for. It's probably time to get away from the old vector software and take a look at Vcarve pro from Vectric. It has a bitmap trace function and vector drawing tools, but you'll still have to do the work of converting from bitmap to vectors. Download the demo version and take a look at the tutorials on the vectric site about working with vectors and tracing bitmaps. Partworks and vcarve pro have come a long way from vector, but there is still nothing out there that will take a bitmap and automatically make vectors usable for carving from it without quite bit of human interaction, unless it's a terribly simple black and white decal type image.
06-03-2011, 01:43 PM
Depending on what the graphics are, you may not be able to convert a photo to vectors.
If it is a photo of vectors then you will be able to,
but not knowing what you are trying to convert, its hard to say.
Maybe post it for us to see and advise.The attached graphic showing... S L a 94k. .jpeg file.
I also have the same thing in .bmp format (at 468k. in size)
06-03-2011, 02:56 PM
Something like that is traceable. The higher the resolution you start with the better the results.
Send me the larger bitmap and I'll trace for you so you can see what you'll get.
kzeyus( a )
Inexpensive trace only software is Acme Traceart. Note that vcarve pro will always trace as carveable (closed) vectors where with traceart and other programs you'll probably have to do some work to get closed vectors.
06-03-2011, 03:23 PM
here you go
1 click bitmap to vector in ArtCam 2011
06-03-2011, 03:23 PM
Something like that is traceable.
The higher the resolution you start with the better the results.
Send me the larger bitmap and I'll trace for you
so you can see what you'll get.
kzeyus( a )
Inexpensive trace only software is Acme Traceart.
Note that vcarve pro will always trace as carveable (closed) vectors
where with traceart and other programs you'll probably have to do some work
to get closed vectors.OK! Thanks for all that wisdom.
Expect incoming email with .bmp attachment
from <>
Thanks v.much for your help!
David H
06-03-2011, 03:48 PM
here you go
1 click bitmap to vector in ArtCam 2011Many thanks for that!!!
Will try that first thing Mon. morning
(it's getting close to Going Home Time, here..)
06-03-2011, 04:30 PM
Hey Gary:
Acad 2006 won't open the dxf! Has Artcam finally upgraded their dxf exporter and if so what version of Autocad will?
06-03-2011, 04:50 PM
Here it is in dxf and eps traced by Aspire:
I usually prefer the .eps files as they contain arcs.
06-03-2011, 05:37 PM
Here it is in dxf and eps traced by Aspire:
I usually prefer the .eps files as they contain arcs.
Ken, thanks very much. :)
I'm writing this from my home now
(where my Vista computer at home won't install the old Vector-9 software we use at work)
so I won't be making use of these files that you and others have kindly sent
-not until Monday morning, when we'll see what can be done with them
Thanks again, everyone!
I'll probably be back for more help...
06-04-2011, 09:03 AM
Dave, that's one of my issue's with Autodesk and Adobe, they are forever changing their import/export filters.
Because of the timing of software releases they are never in sinc, however you should have been able to open that file with 2006.
Were you holding your tongue the right way when you hit import?:D
Have attached the same file for you to re-try with 2006, (had to zip it due to forum upload limits.)
eps & ai are good but quite often you get the same import issues, especially out of illustrator.
One thing I do like about dxf , when I receive a file from someone who works in layers ArtCam will maintain the integrity of the layers when imported.
Its only 1 click to convert to curves when needed.
Like anything else there is no holy grail when it comes to file exchange, so I have a few programs at my fingertips just for that issue.
06-04-2011, 09:55 AM
The first posting I did not save to computer but rather just went to open it direct. This usually causes no issue as long as the file is compatible. The second one after it was unzipped needed to be renamed and have "opens with" set but then did open just fine.
On another note the curves are cleaner in the conversion to dxf by Gary then Ken. Ken's has a few large flat spots that do not get fixed by regen command in Acad.
Ken: What did you use/do for the bitmap trace?
Gary: In my older version of ACPro when I do this I usually need to go thru a regimen of reducing colors in order to get anything like a decent fit vectors to bitmap and even then often it will take quite a bit of clean-up. Is this an "at last" improvement in new version or a better method then I have been using?
Edit: Saved first file to desk and tried to open. It wouldn't but I did look it over enough to get the reason. The lines were in the layer named "default layer" and acad didn't like it. I've run into this before when exporting vectors from Pro and got it to work better by moving the vectors to a layer with a name that Acad likes better, like "1"
06-04-2011, 10:23 AM
Good info Dave
ArtCam for 2011 have not only introduced new tools but re-visited a number of the existing tools and re-worked for better performance/operation.
Bitmap to Vector being one of them, reduce color has also been included into this tool as well as still being a stand alone, which is now in real time with a slider bar.
Previously in older versions I would do the same, reduce color, but after this revamp this tool works so much better especially the smoothness control.
This image had 32 shades of color from a screen capture which I vectorized from.
Dave will I see you Vegas next month?
apologizes to Frank didn't mean to hi-jack your thread
06-04-2011, 11:00 AM
See PM Gary.
06-04-2011, 06:26 PM
Dave, I used the trace in Aspire with a bmp file that David emailed me.
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