View Full Version : Turbo Cadd version 7

12-01-2000, 01:05 PM
Many people seem to use TurboCad Pro and love it and say how great it is. I had problems with v6 of TC Pro because of incomplete / wrong / missing doc'n and tutorials. Cad is something that I am still trying to learn. I have v6 of Turbocadd Pro and am wondering if there are any changes as far as doc'n and tutorials being correct which could convince me to upgrade.

12-01-2000, 05:14 PM

I'm in the same predicament as you are. You're right; the documentation for version 6 was awful. It was also kind of buggy; a lot of CAD for the money but not without problems.

I follow the TurboCAD forum, and the buzz there is that version 7 is the best version since 4. They've supposedly done a good job of the documentation this time, with lots of good information and tutorials using screen-cam movies. Also done a better job of integrating VBA, which may let us do some ShopBot-specific customizing.

My guess is that I'll wait for a while before upgrading, just to let the dust settle and see what the feedback is after people have had a while to use it.


12-02-2000, 09:44 AM
I took a look a Turbocad 7 and do not see at this point why I would upgrade to it yet.

It has some added features but none that I would need in order to make a sbp file.

It would be nice if it could put text on a circle like Coreldraw.

I have found a way to do it in Turbocad but is not as simple as Corel.


12-07-2000, 09:52 AM

Try out vcarvz. I agree with you about Corel Draw. It's so easy. After my test yesterday, I'm going to try cutting something in the next week. I even did some wavy text in corel, saved the text as a .dxf after converting to curves, opened the file in Vcarvz, generated the tool path, PLC copied to vector, generated the cut file. It looks like it will work. This was with text on a circle and text on a wavy line. If these files cut properly I now have all the software that I need between Vcarvz and Vector. The company's doc'n sucks but the product is usable for everything that I'm about to do AND they do respond quickly to their forum. Thanks for the input on v7 of TurboCad (another company with absolutely HORRENDOUS docs).

Dave Provoncha
12-14-2001, 02:05 PM
A new version 8 is just now being released. Was a modest cost upgrade to 7..50.00 or something like that.