View Full Version : Not wanting to do a straight plunge

03-25-2008, 01:37 PM
We run version 2.000b of the part wizard. for the most part I like it, but I was wondering if there was a feature (or utility I could get) that would use the lead-in feature to ease into the material instead of plunging straight down. I occasionally get bits that cause the z-axis motor to slip. and I have found that If I edit my files to start at the surface of the material during a lead-in. and then drop to depth as it starts the actual curve it takes care of that problem. coming into the material obliquely is also easier on the router bearings. when editing, I search for the save z values and then change the first negative z value after themt to 0. like I said, it works pretty good, but in some files that may mean manually changing hundreds of lines of code.


Brady Watson
03-25-2008, 03:26 PM
The only 'plug in' available would be to upgrade to ShopBot PartWorks, a Vectric product or upgrade to ArtCAM Insignia, which has the exact same interface as PW, but with advanced drawing and toolpathing.


03-25-2008, 05:44 PM
I was afraid you would say that. I've been looking at them and was hoping to find something to get me by until the powers that be want to take the plunge.



Brady Watson
03-25-2008, 05:58 PM
For $400, PartWorks is one heck of a deal...it's added functionality should pay for itself in a short time - whether that equates to better tool life or the advanced toolpathing options that allow you to cut designs you couldn't do before.

Call ShopBot and ask for #11006. It is a full upgrade to PartWorks providing that you have a registered copy of PartWizard in your company's name.
