View Full Version : Screen to machine

05-11-2006, 02:26 PM
We hope to have our PRT, used 2002 standard, here next week. We also are just learning CV Solid for our case work production (small shop doing mostly residential casework and solid wood furniture). I'm looking for input on what software to use to get from CV Solid to the PRT?? Any and all input would be helpful. I have perused the forums but did not find an exact scenario...if I missed it please point me in the right direction. From this guests viewpoint it looks like this is a very generous and helpful community!! TIA

Ryan Patterson
05-11-2006, 07:02 PM
Cabinetpartspro will import an exported cabinet list from Solid. You can look at www.cabinetpartspro.com (http://www.cabinetpartspro.com) . There is a free version with limited options but works the same as the Pro. Cabinetparts will nest all the parts on your sheets and then produce all the cutting files. If you are interested send me an email coastalcarpentry@cabinetpartspro.com (mailto:coastalcarpentry@cabinetpartspro.com) and will help you with the export from solid and then import into Cabinetparts.