11-04-2005, 09:39 AM
Once a PW2 or Insignia toolpath is computed, it normally can't be edited, except for recomputing with different settings. Or if it can, this is poorly documented.
A couple of nights ago, while tinkering with an Insignia toolpath, I made an accidental discovery. After selecting the toolpath and ungrouping vectors, the toolpath behaves like any vector construction and can be edited. Once edited, the toolpath displays but will not save. However, selecting the edited toolpath and running "Machine along vectors" using the original tool and depth will create a saveable and machineable version of the edited path. The method works in PW2 also.
I have tried several toolpath tweaks with sucess, but there may be some edits that will not work. Explore with caution!
Some of you may have discovered this long ago, but I see nothing in my forum search.
A couple of nights ago, while tinkering with an Insignia toolpath, I made an accidental discovery. After selecting the toolpath and ungrouping vectors, the toolpath behaves like any vector construction and can be edited. Once edited, the toolpath displays but will not save. However, selecting the edited toolpath and running "Machine along vectors" using the original tool and depth will create a saveable and machineable version of the edited path. The method works in PW2 also.
I have tried several toolpath tweaks with sucess, but there may be some edits that will not work. Explore with caution!
Some of you may have discovered this long ago, but I see nothing in my forum search.