View Full Version : Improper Speed Settings???

02-08-2004, 05:11 AM
I have only just started to try and use the new control software, but it seems, at least in preview mode, it keeps telling me I am set to my lowest speed setting...when I try and change the speed setting to what I want it to be, when I run the file, it goes back to .05 on everything...what am I doing wrong...I want to figure this all out before I try and use it on my shopbot...pretty frustrating when trying to run simulations and the warning window keeps popping up.


02-08-2004, 09:01 AM
Hey Erik,

I'd bet that there's a speed setting command in your file that's trying to set the speed to some small number, maybe 0 or a negative number. Open one of the files that has does it using the editor (FE), look for a line that starts with "MS", and see what the numbers are after it.

If those numbers are small then you've found your problem. If it's just that one file that's the problem then you can change the values to something more reasonable like...

MS, 1, 0.6

...or just delete the whole MS line or put a ' in front of it so that it will be ignored. Then the file will run at the speeds that you've set in the ShopBot software.

The real solution is to stop having that bad speed setting added to your files. If you're using Part Wizard the speed information is stored in the tool database. Click the "tool database" icon in the Toolpaths section and select the bit you want to use. Click the "edit" button and then change the "feed rate" and "plunge rate" values to the ones that you want. You'll have to do this with each bit that you use, but only once.

Hope this helps,

02-08-2004, 10:57 AM
I'm using BobCad...but I've never had this problem...but I've been able to stay pretty dumb about the whole process up to this point...I guess I'm going to have to dig in and and learn a little about the code itself...I've been trying to avoid that...but oh, well...I'll take a look and see what is going on...thanks.

Erik F

02-11-2004, 12:38 PM
Ok, you were right Bill, for what ever reason the there are MS commands showing up with numbers like .008 and .025 these have been pretty easy to correct, but is it something that is being put in by my cad/cam software? Do you think it may be happening in the conversion process? I have been getting wacked numbers coming from my cad cam software, so that is my guess. I have been able to get the files to run correctly, I've just had to do a lot of editing...any guesses?


02-11-2004, 03:22 PM
Hi Erik,

I've never used BobCad but I know that there are ShopBotters that use it regularly...anyone know where the speed settings are stored or how they can be changed in BobCad?

02-11-2004, 03:30 PM
I just talked to Chris at BobCad and he said that it was converting inches to mm which makes total sense now, thinking about the values that were coming out...he told me to use the scripts and post processors from version 18 because 19 is changing them automaticly for what ever reason he knows the answer, but he started talking about all sorts of programing lingo, basicly it would be easier to swap two folders from 18 into 19...but thanks for the help...back to work!!!
