View Full Version : A simple line to cut out a part
02-15-2009, 11:37 AM
I have gotten the hang of desining something in partwizzard (a little) and don't see a tab for just a simple line to get the bit to follow. I also need to know how to tell it which side of the line to follow when I am doing the toolpath. I am in 1.02 PW. I see and have used the poly line, but I just want one line terminated on both ends.
Thanks for any advice you can give a beginner.
Brady Watson
02-15-2009, 11:58 AM
You can do what's called a Machine Along Vector toolpath, where the bit will ride on the centerline of the vector. Without knowing what you are trying to accomplish, it's hard to give you more info. FYI - ShopBot sells a PW training video, if you are interested.
02-15-2009, 12:23 PM
Thanks Brady,
I have the training video to the new version and only have the old versoin of PW, so it's a bit confusing. I sent them an email to see what it would take to upgrade to the newer version, but that was Thursday and I have not heard back yet. I grasp that it follows the center of the vector, but I was trying to desing a simple square and not figure in the tool size for the offset. If I want a ten inch square and I am using a 1/4 inch bit, I have to make the square larger by 1/4 inch. I thought there might be a way around that.
I was looking for a sipmle single line tool where I could enter starting and ending points and throw a line in the box to have it cut.
I got pretty good with turbo cad before going with a free (ecabinets) kitchen design program. Now I have to learn how to walk again, but it's a little easier the second time around. Much of the terminology is the same.
You need to decide if you want a 10" square part or a 10" hole.
After you draw your part exactly 10", you then choose the 2D profile toolpath to achieve what you want.
Choose the outside toolpath if you want a 10" square part or choose the inside toolpath if you want a 10" hole.
02-15-2009, 12:45 PM
Thanks Peter,
The part about choosing the inside tool path or outside toolpath is what is getting past me. I see the 2d box to check when I am in machining along vectors, but how and where to I tell it to machine outside?
You need to choose the 2D Profiling toolpath selection - not the Machine Along Vector. Top Left Icon under 2D toolpaths.
Within the 2D Profiling toolpath selection you get to choose inside or outside profiling.
02-15-2009, 01:47 PM
Under toolpaths these are the only option I have.
• Profiling.
• Area Clearance.
• V-Bit Carving Text.
• Drilling Holes.
• Machining Along a Vector.
It is because of the older version I have maybe?
Choose Profiling - under that selection you can choose inside or outside profiling.
02-15-2009, 02:12 PM
Thanks Pete
I have to go give it a try. Does the stepover value in the bit selection remain at 50%?
I am going to be trying to set up the machine to make cabinet parts and do some dovetailing for the drawer boxes. I ran some pocket trials and that is doing ok for dados.
vacuum hold downs will be on the list after I get the feel for the part making.
Thanks Kenneth
I don't know what the rule of thumb is for stepover - perhaps someone else could advise us - If I make a new tool file, I look at another similar tool and use the same stepover.
Brady Watson
02-15-2009, 08:41 PM
As a general rule, keep your stepover percentage at 40% or less to avoid missed areas in corners.
02-15-2009, 10:54 PM
Thanks to both of you.
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