View Full Version : This might be a stupid question...

08-18-2006, 12:46 PM
I have been drawing my vectors in CAD and then importing them to Part Wizard. Is there any way that I can snap the 0,0 of my CAD drawing to the 0,0 of my workpiece in PW? I tried making the workpiece and the vectors the same size and centering the import but even that is off just a smidge.

08-18-2006, 01:16 PM
Select all once imported, using the Transform tool, set the lower left anchor point to 0,0 (assuming you're using the lower left corner as 0,0).

Does that help?

08-18-2006, 02:24 PM
Just to add to Paco
If you were importing, for instance, a circle, then you would need to draw a short line in CAD from 0,0 and set this point to 0,0 in PW.


08-18-2006, 07:58 PM
In DesignCad there is a command to set the Origin at any point you desire. If you do this before exporting the vectors they will import into PartWizard in the same position on the table that they were in the CAD program.

I usually start with a 48" x 96" rectangle in DesignCad, with the lower left corner at 0,0. Once I fill up the "sheet" the way I want, I select and export the vectors, without the rectangle. When I import into PW it's already aligned just the way I want.