View Full Version : Error message on startup of PW2

10-01-2005, 12:48 AM
I recently reloaded PW2 on a Win 98 SE machine. I have installed IE6.
When I start PW2 it works OK to open an existing file but when I create a new model I get an error message. The message shows up after I enter the new X size and go to the Y to enter the new size.
The error message says - Partwizard caused an exception 10H in module PARTWIZARD.EXE at 0177:00422f41
This happens several times in a row and then this error message popped up - Invalid page fault in module at 0177:0053f9a3
Then in went back to the first error message, several times. I gave up and shut it down.
I have no idea where to look for a solution. I searched the forum but could not find anything. Any help is appreciated!!!
Is there an explanation of the various error messages anywhere?? If not, I think it would be very beneficial to us new users and the many more new users, to follow.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Brady Watson
10-01-2005, 01:21 AM
I had the same problem with my installation initially. I don't recall what fixed it, but it is not doing it on my computer any more. One way around it is to not highlight the material thickness field and only modify the values from the right side of the textbox...leaving the "0." portion.

For example, if the default material thickness is 0.75 in that field, just change the .75 portion and leave the zero and point. If you need to go over .99, then enter the .xxx, and THEN add ONLY the whole number (IE 1.xxx), while leaving the numbers past the decimal point.

It will make sense after you try it...


10-01-2005, 01:56 PM

I am not at the machine now, but I will try it tonight.
SO... you are saying to not highlight the number and overstrike it, just modify from from right to left?



Brady Watson
10-01-2005, 02:05 PM


10-01-2005, 02:17 PM

Thanks a lot for your time!!


10-03-2005, 01:37 AM
Your work around for the error message: Partwizard caused an exception 10H in module PARTWIZARD.EXE at 0177:00422f41 worked fine. I will continue to use it until I can resolve the problem. I thought that after opening it a few times it would stop popping up. I was wrong.

Has anyone else had this problem?

Thanks again


Brady Watson
10-03-2005, 01:00 PM
For some reason this happens on my Win98 SE computer, but not on my XP Pro machine. I am *guessing* that there are different components for the web technology that runs PW between the machines. It might just be something that we have to live with on 98 SE machines. It happened to me yesterday in the shop on the 98 SE machine as a matter of fact...The good part is that the work around let's you do your work.


10-03-2005, 01:16 PM

When I first set my machine up ( bought it used) I did not have this problem. It was on the same computer and software. But as you state, I also have used it on an XP machine and it did not have the problem.

As I stated before, a source to look up these errors would be nice. It seems that they ALWAYS happen when it is a weekend, late at night and every normal person is in bed. Even if the referance said your SOL until you talk with IT at ShopBot, you would not spend a couple of hours on it. OR a quick work around, as you gave me to get thru that job.

Thanks again.


Brady Watson
10-03-2005, 02:09 PM
No problem, Wayne.

There really is no way to 'look up the errors' since the error message would most likely refer to some generic program error....Like if you got a program that was developed in Visual Basic, and you got an Error 13, it basically is telling you that the program is trying to put a square peg in a round hole (data type mismatch)...this really has no value for the end user...


10-03-2005, 02:18 PM
OK, I was hoping to make it easier for us new guys. Just a thought.

This forum is a great support device and provides a ton of very good information.



Joey Priddy (Unregistered Guest)
11-09-2005, 09:51 PM
Wayne, My name is Joey I'm a new shopboter and I'm having trouble downloading partswizard on my pc every time I download it,it gives me a error. Do you know my problem.

11-10-2005, 01:05 AM

Welcome to the Bot family. What model of machine are you running and which version of software?

I am probably not the one to answer your questions. I am very new to the Bot family.

What is the error message? If you bring up the search at the top of the page and type the error with quotations around it, you will be given an array of possable cause from some of the more experienced botters.

Sorry I could not be of more help.
