View Full Version : Part File Optimizer?

03-04-2006, 10:49 PM
I was wondering if any tools exist to optimize a part file? A number of my students have noticed that the part files created by the file conversion utility don't always cut in an efficient manner - and have asked about ways to improve cut times.

03-04-2006, 11:32 PM
When you say "the part files created by the file conversion utility" it looks like you are not using CAM, and that you are trying to convert your CAD dxf's as "cheaply" as possible. Going this route will result in the SB cutting each line exactly in the sequence that it was drawn in the CAD program.

This is one of the very good reasons that CAM programs do exist - they optimise the cutting sequence and remove surplus moves.

What software did you get with your ShopBot? Was it Vector, PartsWizard 1, or PartsWizard 2?

03-05-2006, 09:04 AM
The 'inexpensive' answer to your question is NO. Optimizing software is pricey. However, if you use PartWizard to generate the tool paths, you might do what I do.

I normally use AutoCAD LT to design my parts and then use PartWizard II to generate the tool paths. PartWizard II often produces a file that needs cleanup. When cutting time is more important to me than programming time, I scan through the cut file and look for the J3 commands. The J3,x,y,z-up command usually means that a part is finished and another part is about to begin. When I find that command, I insert a few blank lines into the program to separate the file into logical groups of parts. Finally, when all of the individual parts are separated into their own blocks of code, I re-arrange the blocks of code so that the cutting is more efficient.

An alternative way is to select each part individually when in PartWizard II, save it to its own file, and then either merge the files into a master file, placing each sub-file into the master file in the order that you want the parts cut, or use the FP,file_name command to call each cut file in the order that you want the parts cut from a master file.

03-05-2006, 08:33 PM
Right now we're using the conversion utility that's built into ShopBot3 (FC) - so we're definitely getting the lines in the order they were drawn. Thanks for the confirmation on that Gerald, I'd guessed that's what it was but hadn't compared DXF to SBP to confirm.

I'd prefer not to turn to another whole program to produce/optimize the part files, mostly because it's already a challenge getting students to remember all the steps as it is - and if the can only remember certain things, I'd much rather they remember the important ones :-).

I have noticed, however, that the SBP files tend to be really simple in format - and I've got a bit of scripting experience, so I'm toying with trying to write a VBS or other script to at least do some basic optimizing. This way the students' job would still be easy, but their part files might run 10% faster.

The more I read, though, a full-scale effort at finding the -best- route to cut a given file is pretty clearly beyond me. A friend of mine who's an AI researcher has tackled problems like this for years, and he's far beyond my skill level.

03-06-2006, 07:51 AM
You may be able to copy and paste the parts of your drawing into a new sheet in the order you want them cut and save that file. Then convert that file to SBP file.

03-06-2006, 08:01 AM
Matt, there are a couple of tricks inside your CAD program to get a more optimal order of cutting. Try doing things like chaining your lines into polylines....and then exploding them again. (PEDIT in AutoCad)

03-06-2006, 09:19 AM

Gerald is correct, optimizing software is expensive, but many software vendors offer a very significant educational discount. Check to see if your usage qualifies.