View Full Version : Back-converting from ShopBot files
01-24-2001, 11:10 PM
Has anybody else tried to convert a shopbot file to dxf?
--- jerry
01-25-2001, 11:07 PM
There is a ShopBot to DXF converter. I believe it
is considered "beta" but if you beg/bug them
enough, they will probably give you a copy.
I think is was suposed to be part of the 3D probe
Bruce Clark (
01-25-2001, 11:24 PM
Thanks Bruce,
That is what I am looking for. I will even be a beta tester. How about it Ted? I been a software programmer for over twenty years. I would definitely like to help out in testing and working out any bugs.
---- Jerry
02-05-2001, 05:25 AM
Hello there,
I also would be interested in a shopbot to dxf software, to nest or rescale parts created with various toolpathgeneration software on wany edge board.
I ' be interested in the existing beta.
Thank you.
david allen
12-31-2003, 08:23 PM
is there a way to convert a SB file to a DXF (or similar) file?
david allen
12-31-2003, 08:23 PM
it might. my workspace is only 2'X8', so if I want to use someone else's SB files I'll need to reorient and maybe re-scale. it'd be nice to bring the file into a CAD package and work with the parts to make them fit. is your routine posted somewhere?
12-31-2003, 08:23 PM
I wrote a routine to convert a shopbot file to HPGL while back. It was fairly simplistic and only supported straight line 2D moves (which was all I needed at the time).
The output file would show any moves below Z=0 as one color and any moves above Z=0 as another.
Would this help at all?
12-31-2003, 08:23 PM
There should be a small DOS executable file attached to this post (if I did everything correctly).
The executable must be in the same directory as the file you wish to convert, you must type in the file extensions for both the input and output files.
As I said before, this is a rough cut at a conversion, not all sbp commands are supported (but there should be a message for each command that the program encounters that it cannot convert).
The resultant file should be readable as an HPGL file by CAD or graphics programs.
Let me know if this is of any use.
-Ed *.sbp to *.plt
convert2.exe ( (48 k)
bruce_clark (Unregistered Guest)
04-28-2004, 12:22 AM
Looking for Shopbot files that use either the CA, CC, or CP ShopBot ARC command to help alpha test the new ShopBot to DXF converter (the CG command has been tested already).
If you have any files that you are willing to share with me that use any of the three commands, I will gladly include you in a beta test when the software gets that far (which should be soon).
All submissions will be kept confidental unless otherwise stated. You can reach me at:
bwclark (at) centurytel (dot) net
For those who are not familar with the Reverse Engineer program, it is a program designed to take a ShopBot probe file and convert that data back into a DXF. The original version only worked with the M/J commands but the new version will support ARCs as well. This will allow you to back plot most ShopBot files and open them with a CAD program or any other drawing program that will read a DXF.
Bruce Clark
04-28-2004, 10:24 AM
Vector backplotts sbp files to dxf. Been using this method for 2 years and works good for me.
email me if you would like help on this method.
ron brown
04-28-2004, 05:34 PM
Vector WILL NOT backplot SBP files with the instruction sets Bruce is asking for.
Gary (Unregistered Guest)
04-28-2004, 07:08 PM
Ron, the post was for Jerry and Dave Allen's post who asked if there was a way to convert SBP.files to DXF. Vector is one way which is available now that they can use.
The CA,CC and CP commands that Bruce is asking for never comes to life in our sbp files when we run cam on our dxf files, arcs, curves etc convert to CG commands.
But the whole point is you can convert the sbp.files to dxf using Vector.
I know Jerry and Dave's post are alittle old but they may still have a requirement for it.
bruce_clark (Unregistered Guest)
04-29-2004, 12:33 AM
I agree with on both points, Vector will back plot just fine and 95% of all files use the CG command to specify arcs.
Unfortunately, not everybody has or likes Vector (I personally use Vector XT with surfacing). All new ShopBots are sold with Part Wizard, which does not backplot at all. Also backplotting of ShopBot files only worked with the Vector 9.4 and above, if memory serves me correctly.
Second, the other 5% of files that use those other arc commands are probably HAND generated (ie no CAD/CAM used) so no original DXF file exist.
Lastly, what about people who would like to try out a ShopBot file but do not own a ShopBot (God forbid that!) such as Bill Young's wonderful Workstation or Coffee cabinet (or heck even his neat dingy model).
This program would also be for people who would like to use the Project Wizard but again, do not own a ShopBot.
Bruce Clark
bruce_clark (Unregistered Guest)
04-29-2004, 12:34 AM
PS Hi Ron!
Bruce Clark
Gary (Unregistered Guest)
04-29-2004, 10:49 AM
Bruce, I think the program your working on would be handy, as in some of your previous projects.
Your right not everyone has or likes Vector and yes Parts Wizard does not backplot, thats why I made the offer to DA & Jerry to contact me and I would help them blackplot their sbp file due to your post above, that you are in alpha testing and do not have a working program for them to use as yet.
Your comment of "Lastly, what about people who would like to try out a ShopBot file but do not own a ShopBot" I afraid I have to disagree with you here. People who want to convert a sbp file to dxf and do not own a shopbot normally have a different idea in mind. Of course that probably covers 9 out of 10 cases of backplotting. Maybe thats why Shopbot do not make their converter readily available!!!!!!!!!!
bruce_clark (Unregistered Guest)
04-29-2004, 04:53 PM
Actually, ShopBot DOES want to make _some_ ShopBot files available to non-ShopBot owners. The Project Wizard was/is planned to sell cut files to people who want to make those projects but do not want to spend the time drawing/programming/verifying/fixing/reprogramming ect. to make those files. By making a ShopBot backplotter, they open up the "market" for these projects to non ShopBotters as well.
Part of the spec of the program is that it also outputs G-code, which was requested by Ted.
As for the 9 out of 10 people who want to back plot ShopBot files not owning ShopBot machines, I have to disagree. At lot of part files are setup for PRT96 (4'x8') machines. What if you only have a PRT48 or a benchtop machine? The solution in the past was to either hand edit the file OR not cut it.
I know this for a fact, as I make some raindeer cut files available quite a few years ago. The single number one question asked, was could I generate a 48"x48" cut file for people who did not have a PR96 machine.
By backplotting the file, you are able to separate the cut file into two or more pieces to cut on PRT48 or use a different size bit or thickness of material. Now, it is great when you can contact the original author and ask for a DXF file, but times they are unable (or unwilling) to give those file out. Backplotting is the easiest way to make those changes.
BTW, your willingness to convert those files for Dave Allen and Jerry is what makes ShopBot such a great machine. The machine is nothing more than steel and wires, but it is the ShopBot community that makes ShopBot standout from all the other router manufactures.
Just my $.02,
Bruce Clark
12-20-2004, 04:51 PM
I have the same problem. I have a PRT48, and was interested to try Bill's Coffee Cabinet. The sbp file is for a full sheet of plywood, and I would like to use two half sheets, or possibly even scrap pieces since none of the individual components are very large.
Since the last posting was in April, does anyone have any new ideas as to how to do this?
12-21-2004, 09:48 AM
I have successfully converted SBP files to DXF using the SB3 control software.
-Start the SB3 software
-select "File Conversion" from the "File" menu
-open up the shopbot file you are interested in converting
-a "reverse engineering" window will appear
-Open the shopbot file you want to convert using this window's dropdown menu
-Select "Save as DXF" (or G code)
-you're done!
I haven't done this too often, so there may be a shorter way then selecting the file twice, but this method has worked for me...
12-21-2004, 12:25 PM
Thanks!The reverse engineering works great. I was able to open the dxf in AutoCad or ArtCam Pro. What must be showing up in the dxf is the tool path, and if I want to machine it now, I will need to machine along the vector rather than do a 2D toolpath.
12-21-2004, 06:09 PM
Awesome! That little trick was defiantly worth the time to upload the new software to the design computer.
Thanks Ed!
Thanks ShopBot!
PS I made a shortcut on my desktop for the C:\Program Files\ShopBot\ShopBot 3\Bin\UX_SBP.EXE program. Works great! Only need to load the program once and don’t need sb3 running.
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