View Full Version : Message box position in 3.4.21

04-10-2006, 02:21 PM
I have just upgraded to the latest from 3.1.14 in order to try the smoother cuts. Many of my routines depend on the message box to display set variables. It has disappeared down bottom left, and no amount of repositioning will persuade it to reposition on my 1152 x 864 screen. It worked beautifully with 3.1.14 and I am very dependant on it for much of my work.
Is there any way to position this box (eg an ini or registry setting).


04-10-2006, 04:09 PM
Hi Ralph,

I'm guessing that sometime between 3.1.14 and now, someone asked to have the position changed. We'll take a look and see if we can't set up a system to allow it to be positioned in a specified way so everyone can get it where they want it.


04-10-2006, 04:52 PM
Thanks, I'll roll back for now and revisit when it is adjustable.
Bill mentioned a while back that you were going to make the message box system more customisable. Part of the wonder of shopbot is its easy programmability. Encourage encourage.

PS: will I have any problem with reloading old firmware, or should it just offer up as a step when I put 3.1.14 back in?


04-10-2006, 08:45 PM
Don't think we've changed firmware over that period. But even if so, you should not have a problem. However, if you can hold off for a day or two, it might get fixed in 3.4.22 relatively soon.


04-11-2006, 01:26 AM
Ted, I would love to (hold off). Unfortunately I have some pockets to cut today I can only do with the horizontal spindle bolted to the back of my router, and I only use this with the interactive files I have written for the purpose (part wizard can't get it's head round it).
IIR, you did change the firmware when it went up to 3.3.x , which was 1 reason I stuck to 3.1.14

Regarrds, R.

04-11-2006, 02:55 AM
Now safely back on 3.1.14
The other thing that I noticed isn't there in the latest version is the way in which when selecting a file to run, just typing the first letter bought up a selection with that first letter to choose from. I find that very useful, as I work with keyboard only.


05-15-2006, 05:46 PM
Just to bring this thread up to date. From 3.4.22 on, the Message Screen position can be defined or programmed. See Readme and additional parameters in the [VD] Command.

Ctrl-R will Re-run current Part File. Hitting Enter once will open 'File Select', hitting it again will select and paste in the current/previously-run Part File into the Fill-in Sheet.

05-24-2006, 09:04 AM
OK Ted,
Just setting up the latest, and the command VD appears to have parammeters for message box x y and length (dx) and height (dy). It is merely noted in the readme file as an update in 3.4.22, and the command ref file included with the download is for an earlier version so it is entirely undocumented. The current settings on my system are x: -11088 Y: 616. I assume they are pico pixels measured from alaska back, or something like. Could you kindly elucidate.


05-24-2006, 07:21 PM
The values in the UD menu for the Message screen are in "twips" which is a screen-independent unit that's 1/1440 of an inch. To set them, though, the easiest thing to do is to run a file that opens that box..has a PRINT statement...and then drag the Message Box around and resize it 'til it's just the way you want it. It's new size and location will be saved and the new values will be in those UD input boxes if you want to really fine tune them.


05-28-2006, 09:17 PM
Yes ... Bill meant VD in that post above. Otherwise that's the idea. You can set the size of the box in numbers in VD (or in code in a program). Or you can just move it and size it with the mouse and it will be remembered. We tried to put most of this in the tool tip, but I guess we need to be a little more informative.


05-29-2006, 06:36 AM
Looks like I can manipulate it to where and as big as I want it to be, read the numbers from the VD fill in sheet, and use them in a part file command.

05-29-2006, 06:43 AM
The tool tips just give default values, which doesn't help if you don't know the units or where they are measured from.
I do not understand how they can be both screen independant and used to position the message box. Does it assume a 1024x768 17" screen and work from there?
PS I do not need this information, I am just interested.

05-29-2006, 04:53 PM
You're correct that if you hover your mouse cursor over the input boxes in a fillin sheet you get the default value for that setting, but if you hover over the label next to it you get a brief description of it...that's the tool tip that Ted was talking about.

As for twips, my understanding is that the reason they're "screen independent" is that they are a fixed measure so should stay proportioned no matter what monitor or resolution you're using to view them. Pixels can change in size and shape depending on the resolution and monitor.

A Google search for "twips" will tell you more than you could possibly ever want to know about them!


05-30-2006, 02:23 AM
Tooltips - Ok, me mouse never stopped while passing over the titles, and all the hours I spent looking for the why's and wherefors. Sorry for being so stupid. There is so much documentation in my life down so many channels.......(usual moan).
