View Full Version : 2D Area Clearance Uncooperative

04-01-2006, 08:24 PM
I'm new to ShopBot, and just wanted to say what a great Forum this is! There is just a plethora of information here and has been a great aid. It's encouraging to see such support of a product and the help that is given. Thanks guys.

Ok, on to the problem. I'm using Parts Wizard2 and seem to fighting with the area clearance option. (I'm unable to upload to graphic, too large)

I can't seem to generate a toolpath using area clearance that will cut out an entire graphic. The generated toolpath will only cut out part of the graphic. This problem is not consistent and I don't know of any tip-offs when I will encouter it.

-The graphic that I draw is totally enclosed.
-For the most part the graphic is wider than the bit (I expect anywhere the openings are less than the bit it won't cut that spot, but there are areas where my bit (1/8 end mill) is clearly smaller than the lines I'm trying to cut between).
-The graphic is closed (its pink), no open contours, vectors, or overlapping lines

I've encountered this area clearance problem before with fonts. I would put a word "Word" in a box, and try to area clearance around the font. As I generate a toolpath it would toolpath right over a letter, for example the 'o'. After moving things around..... resizing... and a tad bit of cursing, I can usually get the area clearance to cut around the 'o' but it would then not cut out the 'r' With a bunch of foul language, alot of alterations, Cut/Paste, and unmentionables, I get everything to work, but I am clueless as to why. The fonts are generated in Parts Wizard, have no broken, unclosed, or overlapping vectors.

Are there certain limitations or requirements that area clearance must have in order to work?
Has anyone encountered this problem before, or offer insight?


04-01-2006, 09:06 PM
Hi Travis!

Say you want to area clear (pocket) around a 'P' inside a square, do you select both then toolpath from 'em? The point is that you need to select all the relevant vector(s) (grouped or ungrouped doesn't matter) then toolpath while having 'em all selected. Is this the steps you're following? If you only select the square, then it clear all the square... if one of the selected vector is open, it'll say so (error prompt).

Tool bit size (CED) doesn't matter in that it just won't go where it can't...

Start from that; draw ONE letter ('P' for Paco!) and a square (rectangle would work too...) that is bigger (say 0.5"), select 'em both then apply area clearance to 0.25" deep... does' that work?

04-03-2006, 09:49 AM
Paco's comment: "Tool bit size (CED) doesn't matter in that it just won't go where it can't..." is generally correct, but I have observed area clear problems in PW/Insignia where the opening was exactly the bit size. For example a 1/4 inch slot with 1/8 diameter rounded corners will not toolpath using area clear with a 1/4 end mill. Increasing the slot width to .256 toolpaths fine.