View Full Version : Shopbot to G-Code or DXF
10-27-2004, 09:32 AM
Is there any way to convert Shopbot code into G-code for other systems or better yet into something like a DXF file that can be imported back into a CAD program.
I have a number of cut files that were all developed in Parts Wizard and now need to be able to share them with some companies that have other systems. We have spent a lot of time tweeking the files to get them to cut right so I would hate to have to redraw them all in my CAD program. Any ideas?
Try FC command; you need to select .SBP file type... this "Reverse engineer" SBP file to G-Code or to DXF file type... BUT, this will "convert" the toolpath...
Is this help?!
Brady Watson
10-27-2004, 11:36 AM
Depending on the complexity of the toolpath, Yes. I have back-plotted an SBP using Rhino and some preliminary work in WordPad. Using the Replace function (don't use Notepad for this...too slow), replace all of the "M3," with nothing and delete all other commands. From that point you can pull the points into Rhino and plot them. It is a hit or miss method, but it works more times than not. If the toolpath is done in multiple Z-passes, then you should delete all Z values, and all redundant lines of code (IE 1st pass 1/4" pass .5" deep...There will be several layers of redundant data depending on material depth...Understand?) This takes a bit of concentration, but it can be done.
2D profile files work very well. 3D files are somewhat difficult to do, but not impossible. You will also need to know what cutter was used to run the toolpath, because your resulting plots will be offset by 1/2 the diameter of the cutter. we go. A lot of people wished for this...dreamed of this...and generally are stuck how to do it.
Here is a toolpathed vector in PW.
As described above, delete all M3 commands, J3 commands and MS commands from your SBP file. Also delete Z-commands. This may be a bit tricky if you had multiple Z-depths in your tool stepdown...You should be left with just X and Y data. Add the codes at the beginning and end of the file like shown in this pic. Save the file as a .txt and open up Rhino.
Under the tools command choose "Read from File"
Like magic Rhino will read in the points and connect them with a polyline in the order they are drawn. It's kinda neat because it looks animated when it does it.
The resulting geometry
4357 is pretty good...although you can see a deviation at the bottom right where it didn't go where we wanted it to. You can edit this in Rhino. Keep in mind that it is offset from the origninal vector in PartWizard by 1/2 the diameter of the cutter. Therefore you can used the offset command in Rhino to get it back to original size.
Happy backplotting
Is'nt Brady a GREAT thinker and sharer?! I wish I could find a automotive mechanics friend to solve some of my car problems like that!!! Not that I have much and that I can't solve 'em but it do take me some times to figure...
Thanks Brady!
Brady Watson
10-27-2004, 01:53 PM
Just a side note, someone sent me an e-mail stating that it didn't work in Rhino v3. There may be a difference in command names. It works in v2 for this example. I'm sure you can figure out how to get it to work in v3.
You can plot multiple layers or Z stepdowns by adding the ending and begining code where the tool steps down...Like this:
It will give you a layered polyline spaced the distance of your Z step-down.
Hope that helps...I'll post a 3D version when I get time.
10-27-2004, 02:19 PM
Some old threads, using "Vector (" and more:
one (
two (
three (
John A (Unregistered Guest)
10-27-2004, 08:34 PM
10-29-2004, 09:42 PM
Thanks for the ideas. I don't have Rhino but use 3D Studio Max. It doesn't have this function. Is it possible to do it as an ASCII DXF? I have an import for that.
How complex is the DXF format? I could write a simple translater if I had the syntax to create simple polylines. All I need is simple 2D, but I need it accurate. Anyone know the DXF format?
10-30-2004, 01:26 AM
If you want, I could backplot them for you with Vector.
10-30-2004, 02:03 AM
Anyone out there a Visual basic man?
I can take a .spb file, use notebook to make .scr file, which opens in AutoCad using the script command.
This can then be saved as .dxf or .dwg or altered at will.
Doing it manually takes time, I think a visual basic routine, with a bit of tweaking, would work.
10-30-2004, 04:22 AM
I've been playing a bit more.
No problem for lines, poly lines and circles, but arcs are defeating me at the moment.
.sbp seems to treat the drawing of arcs different than .dxf
norm (Unregistered Guest)
10-30-2004, 09:13 AM
To see my sbp file and convert to dxf I use Quik Grid from ( .First copy and paste your file to a new folder in case.Open your file in wordpad remove the first line sa and last j2. Then replace m3, by nothing or remove all m3, Then this file extention will turn from sbp to txt . rename the extention .dxf .in Quik Grid input scattered data points then input dxf data point.from there export as dxf or dxf 3d face file.
10-30-2004, 10:35 AM
I don't speak G-Code - can you e-mail me the details of the translation you want a program to perform?
10-30-2004, 10:50 AM
I was just putting in a few sounders to answer the above, without having to go through another CAD or drawing program to get back to .dxf
I don't even begin to understand G code.
bruce_clark (Unregistered Guest)
10-30-2004, 11:22 PM
I don't want to ruin everybody's fun of trying to reengineer the wheel, but the program that Andrew is looking for is already done!
It is the UX_SBP.EXE file in the C:\Program Files\ShopBot\Shopbot 3\Bin folder.
This program converts a ShopBot file to DXF or G-code. The G-code needs for additional formating, but the output is valid and ACCURATE to 6 decimal places. It also supports most ALL of the ShopBot commands including ARCs. There was also an additional program that implemented the FP command to merge multiple FILE part files into one single ShopBot file which the UX_SBP.exe program could then convert. Not sure why it was not in the same folder.
Bruce Clark
PS Mr. John, you are correct, the Arcs were the most difficult part. I ended up converting all arcs to polar coodinates. When the user selects the output format, the arcs are then converted to that format.
Brady Watson
10-31-2004, 08:58 AM
Well done! I didn't even know that utility was there until it was pointed out to me at the programming camp. Very nice!
10-31-2004, 02:39 PM
I don't have that program. There are UX_DXF, UX_TIf, UX_GCODE and UX_HPGL, BUT no UX_SBP. Can you e-mail me the file or post it? It sound like exactly what I need.
Andrew McClary
11-01-2004, 08:51 AM
Thanks guys! That worked great.
I went into Parts Wizard and deleted all of my tool paths then selected everything and did a "machine along vector" with a 0 depth. Output this to a SBP file. Run that file through UX_SBP and convert to DXF. Less than 2 minutes of deleting the tool travel lines (in a side view these were easy to select) and I have my Parts File drawing in my drafting program ready to have dimension lines put on it.
11-01-2004, 09:10 PM
Like Andrew, I do not have this program file, please forward a copy....
Thanx in Advance !
Brady Watson
11-02-2004, 12:46 AM
Paul & others,
Download the latest Windows control software. In it you will find the UX_SBP.
11-02-2004, 09:16 AM
I have downloaded & installed "V.3.3.5PRT(Windows), and 'DO NOT' find the UX_SBP program !!!
Any other ideas ???
Brady Watson
11-02-2004, 09:44 AM
I am running 3.3.4PRT and I have the utility available by using the FC command. Looky Looky:
Type in the FC command, Hit the Files of Type dropdown, select SBP files and choose an SBP. "Reverse Engineer v2.00b" should open up. You need to reselect the part file again using the menu in RE v2.
Hope that helps!
11-02-2004, 10:15 PM
I tried FC with 3.3.4PRT: no Reverse Engineer.
I then downloaded and installed 3.3.5PRT. Same results.
Then, if I try to convert a SBP file with 3.3.5, I get an error 53. When I acknowledge the 53, this is immediately followed by a control software crash.
Also, I do not see UX_SBP either.
Brady Watson
11-02-2004, 10:30 PM
Hmmm...that's really strange.
I don't have any special version on my machine...Standard PRTv3.3.4 & it is there.
You should find UX_SBP.EXE in C:\Program Files\ShopBot\ShopBot 3\Bin\
I start the program from the folder, see...
I just a randomly select file and it converted it in about 0.000000001 second!
This is from 3.3.5...
Now, did you get any more info with the run time error 53?
Anyway, you sould consider e-mail to ( there p'etty fast at answering...
Brady Watson
11-03-2004, 12:34 AM
I just downloaded 3.3.5 and it does NOT include the UX_SBP...It must have been temporarily omitted or something.
11-03-2004, 06:30 AM
"Thanx" to those who emailed me !!
I knew there was a reason, and I also understand Ted is aware of the condition, which should be corrected in a future release.
I must have it from a previous installation???!!!
Did you loose it from installing 3.3.5?!?!
If any one need it fast I can provide it via e-mail... but SB should make it available very soon!
Brady Watson
11-03-2004, 11:25 AM
Yes I did lose it installing 335...
Strange is'nt since I did'nt lost it installing 3.3.5!?!? (Though I have the Alpha version...)
Need it? Don't be shy!
I'll be at desk all day doing demo parts and testing...
To those interested in UX_SBP.EXE:
Ahhhh ... just noticed. It is in the Sb3_PRTalpha install, but not in the Sb3_PRT install. We will get that fixed in the next release. This little converter also needs a tad more work before we say a lot about it, but for those who want to experiment with it, feel free.
bruce_clark (Unregistered Guest)
11-05-2004, 03:53 PM
Just a note,
There is a new version of UX_SBP.EXE. Gordon suggested some changes, which have been made. Once I hear back from him that it is OK, I will make sure that anyone who wants the latest version will have it.
Bruce Clark
11-05-2004, 06:00 PM
Please include me on the list of those who want the new version of UX_SBP.exe. (
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