View Full Version : Zzero Help

03-04-2006, 01:28 PM
Guys I need some help. I have had my Bot running a couple of months (Alpha 96). I actually
bought it in August 2004 and for some personal reasons have just got it running recently. I have been using 3.2.3 which came with it when I
purchased it. The setup of the machine went great because of everyone on this board (Thanks).
I have been following this board for close to 3 years and had everything laid out before I
started the assembly, and everything flowed
very well.
Now, for my problem. My machine has cut exactly
what I have told it to. But, with the 3.2.3
software there is a ramping problem that I have
encountered on certain files. The move speed
will just drop down to about half on curves and
sustain that speed until end of file. So, I decide it is time to upgrade to latest revision
because of many other reasons.
When I install the new revision my part files
cut fine but I cannot get my Zzero routine to work. It will go down and touch the plate and
come up as normal and the pause and raise slightly. It locks up the computer at this
point at line 91 (Continuos Plunge). My input
is working fine, I have updated firmware, .ini
file etc.. I replaced the Zzero file with the
one from 3.2.3 version and it did the same thing
(Different line but same Continous plunge line)
I spent an hour with Shopbot support last night
with no success. Brady, Gerald, Mike, anyone
I need some help as I have alot product to cut
today. Sorry about the stucture(First Post)

03-04-2006, 02:04 PM
Hi Bill, welcome to the Forum, sorry to hear your woes, and sorry I can't help - I still use the DOS version of the software on a pre-Alpha machine. Where are the more up-to-date guys?.....

03-04-2006, 02:15 PM
Bill give me a call if you want and we can take a look at trouble shooting.

03-04-2006, 02:29 PM

1. Does the input sensor screen display light up everytime you touch the zero plate to the cutter - showing that the input is sensing the zero plate?

2. Is it possible that your z-axis is at end of travel so that the steppers are trying to move an unmovable object? (I often have that happen when I try to lift a long cutter too high.)

3. Are the values in the Tools/Shopbot Setup program correct?

If all else fails, you can manually set the z-axis height by putting a piece of tinfoil or chewing gum wrapper on the material's surface and then carefully move the z-axis down until you can't move the tinfoil or chewing gum wrapper. Type ZZ to zero the z-axis then type MZ, 0.5 to lift the cutter to a safe distance.

Good luck.

03-04-2006, 06:55 PM
I spent an hour and a half with Dale Kerr on the phone and the problem is still unresolved. (By the way, THANKS DALE!!!! what a great guy)
Mike, I had tried all of your suggestions with no success. Your suggestion with manually doing
the Z routine is what I had planned. Thanks.
I wanted to get this resolved today but had to start making sawdust. Thanks again you guys.

Brady Watson
03-04-2006, 09:24 PM
Wish that I saw this post sooner...I was actually cutting all day in the shop. I have had a similar issue when zzeroing in the past on my 98SE computer. After it 'died' I loaded up WinXP and it hasn't happened since. I also noticed that the tool moved much smoother (for whatever reason) in XP than in 98SE.

Recently, the routines that run certain moves have been modified to say 'ending process'. This is where it always hosed up on me, but like I said it no longer does in it XP.

In regards to manually zeroing with paper etc, change the fixed distance (D key in keyboard mode) to .005 so that you can get it dialed in without crashing the bit too hard.


03-05-2006, 12:41 PM
Hi Bill,

can you post your Zzero routine and your (problem.LOG too) here? There's nothing much private on those but if you prefer, you can send 'em via email... if you choose that, you could include the my_variables.sbc too.

About the INI file, have ouy got a new one been created by SB3?

I would guess you've tried restarting E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G?

Until this is fix, I second Brady's workaround.

03-08-2006, 08:07 AM
I have been talking with Ted the last couple of days trying different things to get this thing figured out. We still have had no success with the software changes. He is sending me a new control board and hopefully will arrive today.

03-16-2006, 08:21 AM
Just to let everyone know the outcome of my problem. I installed the new control board that Ted sent me and everything appears to be working great now. I just want to thank you for all the responses, calls, and emails I received. It really helped me out. Keep up the good work guys.

03-16-2006, 11:30 AM
Yeah Happy Days, enjoy your machine now!!!