View Full Version : New Commands

Gary Campbell
04-07-2009, 07:49 PM
ShopBot has just released a beta version 3.6.1beta26. There are a couple new commands:

[VO], which allow us to assign a temporary X,Y,Z offset to the tool. These will work similar the the offsets for the PRT & PRS drill offsets or the Head2 offsets in the my_variables file. At the end of that portion of the file, "VO,0" will return to the normal coordinates.

[VI], which allows us to switch axes by entering the order in which the software processes commands to them. This command has a few parameter requirements that may take some getting used to, and doesnt have the "easy off" like "VO" does, but opens many interesting opportunities for us tinkerers.

I can see a single toolchanger postP for a couple spindles and a couple drills (PRS)all with the same postP, which means into the same file. Combine that with the new nesting and sheet features of the latest version of PartsWorks, and 1 file per sheet for all cutting and drilling operations is only a short way off.

Download the beta and use it... report bugs or problems... this may be our next release soon!.

Gary Campbell
04-07-2009, 08:15 PM
There is also now support and configurations for 12 inputs AND 12 configurable outputs.

Inputs have 5 options that will allow us to define what happens, more or less, when a switch is hit. We are now able to choose whether a switch is normally open or closed and if it is to act like a limit or stop switch. Std switch is also available to allow user defined actions when the switch is triggered.

The output configurations are not so readily interpreted from the options as the inputs. The only documented info in the beta read_me is directed towards the E-Stop.

"I gotta order some more parts!"

Brady Watson
04-07-2009, 08:28 PM
Thanks for the update. The VO command sounds like it will be VERY useful. I'll have to mess around with that one for sure.

The VI command has been in the software for a long time. I used to use it way back when I had the Colombo on one Z and the Hypertherm plasma torch on the other...I used it as a sort of switch to swap over one or the other as a primary Z depending on what I was doing. Do you know what new functionality (if any) has been added to VI in the beta?


Gary Campbell
04-07-2009, 08:59 PM
I sure wish I had found that one in the Docs for sure. Since I dont know what was there before.... Here is a shot from the VI fill in sheet:


THe "enabled steps & outputs" options are "0 & 1"
You tell me... whats new? (other than I swapped A & Z)

Brady Watson
04-07-2009, 09:32 PM
Looks the same compared to 3.6.1 beta16...I never noticed the 'enabled steps & outputs' option before.

Definately gonna try out that VO tomorrow.
