View Full Version : 3D tool path

12-14-2008, 02:35 PM
I've landed a high volume weekly client.
There are approx 5 different sizes.

There is a profile cut, a round over on the top and bottom on about 80% of the profile.
The problem is that these parts have a constant tapered along the length.
The roundover does not have to blend perfectly.
The parts are already glued and tapered.

Thick end is .800
Thin end is .250

I can run the profile, and then the round over on the top edge.
Flip the part over and run the round over on the second edge.

Here is how I want to run the part and need your idea's and help.
I want to run the profile, then the round over on the top, (with my custom tool, I'll be able to eliminate the profile path)
and without flipping the part to round over the bottom edge.
I need to create a 3D toolpath on the tapered edge. (not a relief)
It doesn't matter to me if its the top or bottom edge.

I will be ordering custom tooling that I can do the profile and roundover at the same time.
But then I'd like to raise the tool so that I can roundover the bottom edge without letting go of the part. (again either top or bottom)
I'll also be holding this down with vacuum.

If I can create this 3D toolpath. then I can eliminate about 40 to 60 secs on part change.
60 seconds don't sound like much, But there are 500 to 800 parts per week.
That could be as much as 8 - 13 hours per week just in part change and flipping the part.

I have Aspire and Vcarve Pro.
Here is an image of the part and tool that will be custom made.


12-14-2008, 03:22 PM
talk to centurion about making your custom tool. They have made custom tool for other shopbotters.

12-14-2008, 03:25 PM
Thanks Jack, I'm sure they have a fine product, But I have a local Manufacture here that helps with my tooling.

Brady Watson
12-14-2008, 08:48 PM
The tricky part here, as you already know, is the tapered portion & corresponding Z modulated profile, with your custom tool, that needs to be run on both sides of the part. One side is easy since it will be flat - but the other will need to take the Z height into consideration as it is putting that roundover on the part. A Z modulated profile is not something that you can easily do with the software that you have.

If I were approaching this job, I would run the material thru a planer to put the overall taper on the part. Then do a standard cutout profile. I would 3D machine a tapered area in your vac jig that matches your part's taper AND acts as a machinist's jack to raise the entire pizza spatula up and off of the spoilboard so that you can cut the profile with your custom tool without crashing it into your table.


12-14-2008, 09:39 PM
Thanks Brady,
I've been thinking about this all day. And I think I've come with an Idea that will work. Very simular to yours.
The Jig will be made from two .750" thick Birch Plywood.
Top piece of will glued to the bottom Birch Ply. It will be sealed prior to being glued.
Then have the small plenum machined into it. Then seal plenum.
At the handle end of the jig, will attach a piano hinge.
Then create 2 wedges that will be glued and screwed to a slide.
When I pull the slide it'll raise the blade into the proper height where I'm level and can machine the top profile edge.

12-15-2008, 12:52 AM
Don - I'd advise you to get a contract/partial payment in hand before you put a lot of time into thinking about this project. Before your customer came to you, he asked me to develop a hold down system, cut paths, etc. for the same product. I put several hours into figuring it all out and several more hours into advising your customer before he disappeared.

If he hasn't already sent you copies of my emails/notes, you might ask for them - no sense in doing all the work twice. (With the right jig and tool paths, you can do all the cuts in one shot without moving/flipping the part or changing the angle of the jig.)

He seems like a nice guy and I hope it works out for both of you.

12-15-2008, 09:42 AM
Thanks Todd,
I've known him for quite sometime now.
He hasn't disappeared, Its just that his plate is so full.
Taking the time to set a new router and train an employee and everything to go along with it will place him farther behind.
Both He and I were at the Midwest Camp and I suggested that he see you and your product.
The contract/payments have been worked out.
I recently was laid off, so its a good fit.

I also know and understand that this can be done without any movement of the part,
and thats where I'm wanting to get to.
I just don't have the software or programming skill to make that taperd cut.
So until I can, I'll use the hinge / wedge, vacuum fixture.

12-15-2008, 11:34 AM
Seems like the sloping-in-Z toolpath could be done with a modified version of the Extruder, instead of converting Y moves to Z moves you would modify each M3 command so the Z height will correspond to the proportion of travel down the X axis, if that makes sense. Who wrote the Extruder program - Bill Young? He might be your man.

12-16-2008, 01:23 AM
Getting home from the shop around 10ishpm. Checked my email before retiring, and there was the answer in an email.
From who else? Yes from Tony Mac of the Vectric Experts.

He created a 2 rail sweep with the slope that I was needing.
When creating the tool pathing of the profile, project that toolpath on to the 3D model.

It still needs a little tweaking, But I'm sure its going to work, I'll check it out in the next couple days.

Well Tony Mac... I'm putting a good word in to Santa for you, No matter what Brian and Mark say.
Thanks a Million Tony.

Here's a pic of the preview after doing some tweaking. (still needs a little more tweaking)