View Full Version : Drawing and parts wizard
06-14-2005, 09:39 PM
Can I transfer a hand drawn picture into a parts wizard file? Is there such an option?
Hi Jamie!
Assuming that you're using PW2 (as far as I remember, PW1 does'nt import any file), you'll have to import your drawing from vectors. Say you are working from a digital pic or a digital image, you'll have to use another software that will allow you to trace (some have "auto trace" function, with some you'll have to "hand/mouse" trace 'em) it into a vector format type of drawing. Many raster to vector softwares are available on the WWW and many other allow you to trace with the mouse from an digital image...
Come back if you need more help.
06-15-2005, 11:11 PM
Hello Paco! Thank you for answering me. Is there any particular software that you have used that you would recommend? I am rather new at all of this! Thank you again.
Hey Jamie!
Hummm... I've ALWAYS (after having tried some) prefered to trace any images with the mouse since all "tracer" that I've tried have gotten me VERY rought vectors; I've always had to make majors retouching to any images that's been "auto-trace"... still, might depends on your needs and wishes.
As for tracing by hand/mouse, many have this possibility: COREL, ArtCAM Insignia and PRO with ArtTRACE, probably Illustrator, RHINO, I've read about Sodipodi and Inkscape that are both "free software"... look for raster to vector (keywords) type of software... you might want to do a search on this forum too to find more links to other software names... I have this one ( in my links as for "auto-tracer"...
Hint: you can redraw a cleaner vector from a rought one in PW... remember that PW2 import EPS, DXF, DWG, AI, PIC and WMF (more than you should need)...
Maybe some other Botters will join to suggest their findings...
06-16-2005, 11:00 AM
Acme TraceArt ( is the best trace program I've found so far for my use, but as Paco says, all trace programs have serious limitations. You'll just about always have clean up to do.
ron brown
06-16-2005, 09:49 PM
I have sometiems used one of the autotrace programs and then "over-traced" with my favorite CAD program. It cuts the time pretty well and cuts machining time drastically.
06-16-2005, 10:17 PM
Thank you very much for all of your wonderful ideas! Admittedly, my shopbot isn't even here yet (it's getting shipped next week
) but I have been playing with parts wizard 2 and seeing what I can come up with. My husband and I both are salivating for our shopbot to get here so that we can try out some of our ideas!
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