View Full Version : Tool Types

01-04-2005, 10:04 AM
Is it possible to add further tool types to the tools database or are the seven existing hard coded? I am finding it necessary to compromise when building my database, finding it difficult to match properties, particularly for irregular profiles.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

01-04-2005, 11:10 AM
Yes; just select a category (you can create your own too; "Add group...") and "Add tool..."

...from there, you can chooses from thoses type...

...you can edit pretty most of the parameters of a tool there... every time you close this tool data base, it's saved in "tool_database.tdb" in the /PartWizard2/exec/ folder, for you to back it up...

01-05-2005, 06:43 AM
Yes, thanks.

We have adopted the approach you suggested but we had a need for additional tool types.

We posed the question to DelCam, through Shopbot, who said,

"Sorry, but not at the moment. When creating new tools, you can only modify the size and values of the currently available tool types.

As a work around, if you are using special router bits, create a fake end mill with the same diameter as the max dia of the router bit. This can not be simulated, but it will create the right tool path."

They gave no indication of an intention to expand the set.

The problem is that some of the parameters used are hard coded in the .sbp program generator, which makes it expensive to create new ones.