View Full Version : File won't save

07-16-2007, 10:03 AM
I have (or at least had) an X.art file on a USB drive, which I loaded and edited using Insignia 3.8. Once done, I tried to save and got a message something like: File not saved Check for Permissions and disk space available. After wasting much time I gave up, since the work lost was minor. Next time, the lost work might be considerable.

In the process of attempting to save, the original file on the USB drive was deleted. I went back to my original source, reloaded the USB drive and repeated the "no save" event. On the same boot of Insignia I was able to load, edit and save other X.art files. I was also able to copy X.art from USB to my hard drive. The hard drive version also loaded into Insignia, edited correctly, but would not save.

Does anyone have a clue what the problem is, and what the fix could be?

Brady Watson
07-16-2007, 10:28 AM
Yes. Don't use the USB thumb drive as a workspace for Insignia. It is a storage device, not a disk drive. Copy your saved file to the desktop. Open file with Insignia. When saving, save to desktop, and then copy to thumb drive after you have closed Insignia.


07-17-2007, 09:58 AM
Thanks Brady,

I can testify that working directly to and from a thumb drive works sometimes. Now that I know this method can fail, I may be trainable enough to revise my procedure and avoid a non-save. Or at least, next time I will know what I did wrong.

08-03-2007, 09:52 AM
The problem is back, this time with no thumb drive involved. The Insignia project was saved normally and later loaded normally. After several updates, it refused to save. After closing Insignia, I found the original deleted from my drive.

So far this has happened twice with Insignia, and never with other programs, but It still could be a windows issue. When this happens is there a way to recover without loss of work? I have done several designs between events, but after loosing several hours work, I am a bit paranoid.

Brady Watson
08-03-2007, 11:26 AM
Contact your reseller immediately. If they cannot help you, then make sure it goes up a level to Delcam. You may also want to post your issue on the ArtCAM forum in the Insignia section: http://forum.artcam.com/
