View Full Version : Problum with output file

03-25-2002, 04:02 AM
I have 2 problums with the part files form Vector 9 useing shopbt2f.cfg

1. The file does not run. After i load the file it loads and the tool does not move. If i load the file line by line it works and the tool moves.

2. When i was loading the file i got to a half circle. The code used CG the bot errored out and stoped the file. CG,,15.2500,0.0000,0.0000,-3.2500,,1 Is this good code??

I am useing an older verson of the SB Os SB10 i think. Does this matter??

Joel Lubell

Ted Hall, ShopBot Tools
03-25-2002, 08:30 AM
Hi Joel,

Ummm, yes, SB10 was before the days that we had Vector, and if I remember does not support the CG command.

Just download the most recent software for your tool from the website, Version 2.28, and you should be up and running. (Best to rename your Sb200 folder to something like SB200_old before you do the install, that way if you need to get it back or look up your Unit values, it will be there.)

03-25-2002, 12:54 PM
In order to run without arcs in the Shopbot file, Select the geometry in Vector and Change-Break-Interpolate. This will result in a program file using J3 & M3 exclusively and it should run on your machine.

03-26-2002, 12:42 AM
It worked out fine

Joel Lubell