View Full Version : Convert crv file to jpg

04-01-2008, 09:27 AM
Is it possible to convert a CRV file into a
JPG file

04-01-2008, 10:09 AM
Hi David,

The 3D Preview image can be saved as a JPG using the Save Preview Image option on the Preview form.


I hope this helps,


04-01-2008, 10:28 AM
Tony I'm trying to import a DXF file to machine
that was converted in SB3 software and I not able
to create a tool path. My thinking is convert it
to JPG then vectorize it in Partworks

04-01-2008, 01:08 PM
Email the DXF to support@vectric.com (mailto:support@vectric.com) and we'll let you know what the best approach will be.


04-01-2008, 01:45 PM
Yikes, I'm glad I started reading these forums before plunking down some money. I have to say that I'm a little scared now that the machine would be sitting in the garage for ages before I could decipher what all you gentlemen are talking about with Vectors, DXF files, 3d preview images, crv files, converting between them, all the different programs you need, etc.
Is there a simpler way? Is there a course one could take from home that would let me know whether or not I have sufficient computer skills?
I mean I've been on the computer over 20 years. I feel like I'm resonably comfortable with its use and can figure my way out of most situations without calling in the pro's. Admittedly I was far better before an unfortunate head and arm injury slowed me down considerably. Now some of this stuff sounds greek to me.
I half expected there to be a machine, connected to my laptop. I draw out in detail what I want it to rout out,(either on a program like Photoshop or its likes, or on a tablet for drawing) when satisfied I press a button, the laptop sends instructions to the machine, and after its had sufficient time, (like a printer), the work is done. Blow off the dust, and stick in the next piece of lumber. No?
I guess its a lot more complex than that.
And about these computer files, besides buying them, aren't there any groups which share their files with each other? I mean, A fancy cove mould is a fancy cove mould. Why spend hours if another Shopbot owner already has a program close enough to what you want, or exactly what you want. It makes sense, so it probably does exist. I only joined up a short time ago and have only been reading posts for the past 12 hours or so. So I have no shopbot website experience and even this post has taken me an hour to type and edit. Hoping someone will share their experience with me. I'm itching to buy one, and hopeful that if I could afford one, it might become a source of some income for me as I gain experience on it. But now I'm worried it might not be right for "just anyone." I'm no artist, no mathematical genius, and no Bill Gates with a computer. In fact, the truth is I have impairments to overcome. All you guys sound so advanced. Would any of you consider buying a used one vs a new one? Would it be much cheaper? Why or why not?
On another note, I was hoping someone could give me a suggestion as to how big the ideal building for the shopbot would be if I do go ahead. I want to keep it separate from my garage, so I would plan an addition to an (already full) workshop to house it, if I could. Would like to do it right the first time. I read a post which said to leave 2 feet all around it. Is that nearly enough? I would think that 4x8 sheets of MDF would be more comfortable to swing in a bigger space?
Any reply to any part of this post is appreciated.

04-01-2008, 02:31 PM

It is not as simple as printing a picture, but it is not as difficult as it sounds initially either. DXF and mouthfulls of other terms sound like giberish initially, but start to make sense once you do some designs of your own.

Once your goals for the machine are established, look for a shop in your neighborhood, and arrange for a demonstration. That will give you a good idea if the Shopbot is right for you, what size you may need and even insight on shop layout.

Brady Watson
04-01-2008, 03:36 PM
Not to sound coy, but a CNC is not a printer that you 'just hook up' and use. There needs to be some intelligent user input. A ShopBot is probably one the easiest hardware/software CNC packages out there. Give yourself plenty of time to understand the CNC jargon & ask plenty of questions. Not that many years ago, I didn't know a vector from Victor either...so be patient with yourself. There is sure to be a bit of chaos and confusion whenever you learn anything new. For example, a 'Vector' is simply a line, and is commonly used in CNC talk when talking about different designs.

Welcome to the ShopBot Forum!


04-02-2008, 01:22 AM
I was decent with computers but did not know jack about cnc machines and I was too lazy to draw things in a cad program. but it only took practice to get going. mistakes and lots of time fix most problems (G)
lasers come cost to just printing something out. but even then you need to learn how to do it.

04-02-2008, 06:43 AM
Hello Dave,

You have mail...

As you mentioned in your post the vectors in this design have been imported
from DXF from an actual toolpath.
The toolpath used originally, cut the job in two passes, so there are effectively
two copies of the vectors one on top of the other.
You may have noticed an error message warning of duplicate vectors when you tried
to create the toolpath, but if you tried to select the duplicate vectors none were found.
(Because they are not actually duplicate, but joined)
This is the reason that VCarve Pro had problems creating pocket toolpaths from the
vectors in this file.
To fix files like this, you need to node edit the individual vectors to remove one of the copies.
To do this, select the vector, go into node editing mode, drag the start node (coloured green)
very slightly. You will notice that there is, what looks like a duplicate vector underneath.
(This is the second pass)
Cut the start node vector and the node that was revealed when you dragged the start node.
Exit node editing mode, select the line that you dragged away, press delete.
One of the copies of the vector has now been deleted.
You then just need to close the remaining vector that you cut earlier.
You can do this in one of two ways,
Right hand click and select “Close vector” > “Move end points”
Or, go back into node editing mode and drag one node over the other.
Once you have done this for all of the vectors that you wish to pocket between,
you should have no problems creating your toolpaths.

One final point to bear in mind, is that as the design has been “reverse engineered”
in effect from a toolpath, is that if you wish to cut it to exactly the same dimensions as
the original, then you will need to offset the vectors out by the radius of the cutter.

I hope that this helps.


04-02-2008, 07:45 AM
Thanks mark for your Incredible Support.
Very pleased with Vectric Products.


05-05-2008, 10:13 PM
I was an insurance agent for 30 years (age 57 now). I started building guitars as a hobby about 8 years ago and it's still mostly a hobby. My BT32 will be ready for pickup May 16th. 2 weeks ago I felt the same apprehension as you do. I went ahead and ordered and paid for my machine and took the ShopBot 2 day (Fri. & Sat.) school in Durham, NC. I still felt lost. Since returning home I have designed a guitar body, several signs and just finished designing my vacuum board. I'm beginning to feel more and more comfortable and think that I will be ready to actually run my program files when I get my machine. (They run fine in the previews!!!). It takes a lot of reading and thinking but with the help of the ShopBot forum all things are possible. I've asked some dumb questions but everyone had been very helpful. If you have the desire you can do it. I CAN'T WAIT TO GET MY MACHINE HOME!! My future goal is to learn how to design in 3D.

05-06-2008, 11:26 AM

It just takes time to figure it all out, but it will happen. Keep reading the forums and download the trial software to experiment with your designs.