01-10-2008, 11:33 AM
1) When you are toolpathing a job and a toolpath you just created overlaps another vector not yet toolpathed, you can not choose that vector any more. It'll always choose the overlapping toolpath. Is there a way around this or a fix instead of deleting toolpaths and redoing them in a different order all the time?
2)How do you switch between toolpaths and edit individual toolpaths? Whenever I try, I can only edit the last toolpath created. Even if I physically choose the toolpath I want edited it still always defaults to the last one edited and I basically have to keep deleting toolpaths until I get to the one I actually want to edit or delete.
Any way around this one?
Thanks for any help on my newbie-ish questions.
2)How do you switch between toolpaths and edit individual toolpaths? Whenever I try, I can only edit the last toolpath created. Even if I physically choose the toolpath I want edited it still always defaults to the last one edited and I basically have to keep deleting toolpaths until I get to the one I actually want to edit or delete.
Any way around this one?
Thanks for any help on my newbie-ish questions.