View Full Version : Notice of updates
12-14-2004, 02:11 PM
It would be helpful if there could be an official announcement on the forum whenever a new version of the control software is released, and even more helpful if it could include a summary of changes and updates in the new version.
Several times I've downloaded the newest release, loaded it, and then read the readme file, only to find that there were no changes in the new version that affected me.
Hummm... A "quick link" to support download page is easy to do on your WWW browser and here the last "changes" related to released versions:
================================================== ====================================
Version 3.3.12 Fix occasional speed failure during ramping
Version 3.3.11 [SK] function working in files again; errant move on repetitive tabbing fixed; improved CONNECTION maintenance; ShopBot Remote Pendant works again in PRT and PRTalpha versions.
Version 3.3.8 Problem with probing routine repaired. Probing should work in PRT and PRTalpha versions. UX_SBP installed in both PRT and PRTalpha versions.
Version 3.3.7 Slow curve limits increased to add further slowing
Version 3.3.6 #1 & #2 Outputs not managed as spindles in PRT version
Version 3.3.5 Smoother curves, arcs, circles
Version 3.3.4 Problems with use in mm's fixed
Version 3.3.3 PRT Version modified to improve connection problems (still working on this)
Version 3.3.2 Includes file needed for JH left out of PRT version 3.3.1; fixes an additional stop/insert issue with a 3D offset file
Version 3.3.1 Resolves known 'stop' issues ...
...and so on since the first release. At about line 103 in the README.TXT...
Brady Watson
12-14-2004, 06:32 PM
"Version 3.3.12 Fix occasional speed failure during ramping"
What did you observed exactly Brady?
12-14-2004, 08:40 PM
More then likely the same thing I was having problems with. On some files for no apparent reason some part of a vector would slow to a crawl. Strangley if there where numerous cutting directions only one would usualy fail. Plus it was very repeatable. If you ran the same file it would fail at the same place every time. This was happening in the last two updates but it has been fixed in 3.3.12
Brady Watson
12-14-2004, 08:54 PM
Paco...basically the same thing that Frank was encountering. It was as if the move speed was suddenly turned down for 10-20 lines of code...and then magically it would speed back up. It happened to me only on 3D files, regardless of Z-moves ~ In other words it could be doing it while making a straight X raster with no Z change.
Glad to hear that it is fixed.
Same to me Frank... it's just that I'm curious how other "Botters" are observing the issues I encountered too... I did notice many but they are about to be ALL fixed if not already!? I just tested 3.3.12 today and did'nt encounter one I previously noticed/reported... some were annoying, some were quite... well, anyway... some seem to be fixed; we'll see with some time passing on... some have have beed fixed and DRAMATICALY IMPROVED; the direction keys are now VERY responsive... very cool since I typed quite fast when operating the tool... hope now that I will not get diconnected too often!?...
Same Brady; I noticed it first in a 3D file too... in straight lines without Z moves; this is what's got me to wonder and report... but I did observed this in 2D files too...
Ted and his team have sure workin' hard on thoses; I remember getting a e-mail for testing a "beta" at around 10-11 PM on a saturday!!!
12-14-2004, 11:16 PM
I first noticed the problem quite a while back with tabs that I manually placed in my file with a VectorCam macro tool (as well as other situations). As soon as it hit a tab it would slow down to ramp speed, stay there until the next segment and then take off at move speed again.
As Brady said, "Yes! Thank You!"
And now 3.3.15!!!
...might want to take a moment to download; new feature add... p'etty cool! You'll have to look in the README's "PRODUCT RELEASE NOTES..." to learn about it...
12-24-2004, 06:58 PM
Well, I just installed 3.3.15, and I'm still having problems with the 'slow to a crawl' ramping. Its driving me nuts, and certain Christmas projects are not getting done - Grrrr! It does not seem to matter whether I am v-carving or cutting along a vector, the problem is there. Any ideas?
12-24-2004, 09:08 PM
I haven't had any of the slowing down problems that many of you have written about. It makes me wonder if some of the problem could be computer related. How about adding a brief description of the computer you use to see if the problem occurs more frequently with a certain brand of CPU, certain amount of memory, a particular OS, etc.
My system is a home brew Windows XP-Pro, AMD 2.5ghz CPU, 1 gig memory, wireless lan. The computer is only used with the Shopbot. It is never used to connect to the Internet or to run any other software - except occassionally with Notepad to modify files at the Shopbot. So far, I haven't had any kind of computer glitch with the thousands of parts that I've cut since July.
Each time I install a new version of Shopbot software, I clear out the settings used with the previous version and start fresh - just in case.
- Mike
Brady Watson
12-24-2004, 10:25 PM
Mike & Matt,
I have been in communication with SB on this issue ~ Yes I am still having problems with the 'crawl' as you say...I am also getting another nasty little bug where if you hit the spacebar and insert command to change move speed (during crawl or otherwise)...It leaves the Z where it is, and gouges the material at full Z depth...AND runs outside of the part's extents! I lose zero...and kill another very expensive piece of lost time. SB is aware of this issue and the fact that it is still happening as of yesterday. Let's hope they find a cure soon.
I am lucky that I have a PRT, because I just went back to DOS to finish the run of files that had to get out the door. I wasn't aware that it was doing it on v-carving files as well. I have only experienced it on a 3D raster toolpath.
Mike, there is plenty of CPU there and .5G of ram...running 98SE in my own box with best hardware. Lean & mean with no other software.
12-25-2004, 02:47 AM
Hi Again,
Well, after a little deliberation, I did a total uninstall of the control software, then I re-installed. No dice. So, in good MS Windows fashion, I did it again, but this time I went in and totally deleted anything left in the SB directory (except Part Wizard stuff). Then re-installed 3.3.15 again. Got it this time (and Christmas was saved! - OK, not really, but my neigbors got a really cool cutting board).
Just FYI, I am running Windows XP Pro, on a Pentium 3, 766 Mhz. Only 128Mb of RAM though. (I know, I should really upgrade the RAM.) And no other software, totally dedicated to the SB. Anyway, thanks for the responses!! This forum is the best.
Happy Holidays!
Hummm... I don't feel alone anymore!!
Being in communication with SB too; it does'nt seem to be related to a specific hardware/software... I run a AMD Duron 1.29 GHz with 352 MB of RAM with XP home; maybe worth sharing my hardware setup... never know!? I was using 128 MB of RAM until some week ago and it did improve the software loading speed and it's responsivness but did'nt fixed any discussed issue. I am not dedicating this computer to control software only... Ted fixed MANY of thoses I encountered (including thoses reported by Brady); what I live with now is loosing communication with the control box and "choking"/hesitation in movements from time to time... but I only waste time and some testing parts; keeping fingers crossed!! Still, it makes some jobs quite stressful...
The best way for thoses issues to be fixed is to reported your observations and findings to support; how it happened, the steps that lead you to this problem, how can this trouble be duplicate... Describe your problem with ALL details possible and included the file(s) in to which you encountered the problem.
Hold on guys; it's getting better with each released version!
12-25-2004, 10:34 AM
C'est Noël. Pourquoi ne jouez-vous pas avec votre peu, plutôt que l'écriture sur le forum ? Noël heureux à vous tout
12-25-2004, 12:29 PM
Notice of updates with a copy of the release notes, attached to a list of known, unfixed problems, e mailed to existing users would save all parties much wasted time and frustration.
Surely an effective way of keeping us all up to speed and more calmly awaiting the fixes?
12-25-2004, 08:14 PM
I appreciate your input - even on Christmas. Your taking the time to write is appreciated, even though someone seems to think you're neglecting your little ones. (I hope it was tongue-in-cheek.) Merry Christmas to you and to yours.
- Mike
12-26-2004, 01:29 AM
I only know tongue in cheek
Running a new buisness and a SB PRT is an every day task... even on Christmas, I believe. I heared about a "vacation" thing/concept which I just can't figure what it is?!?!?
I'm glad you appreciate! Looking at my little Charlotte's and spouse's faces, I think I'm not neglecting 'em!!!
Happy holidays!
Brady Watson
12-26-2004, 03:19 PM
The 'vacation' thing/concept only applies to those people still working for someone else...and those who hate what they do for a living
12-26-2004, 07:55 PM
I've been called a workaholic by people who hate there work. It doesn't ever bother me since I never realy consider what I do work. I do what I do because I love doing it, maybe if I hated it I could consider it work.
The day before Xmas we had my wifes family over. I had to stop designing my next theater room while they where here. On Xmas day I started as usual at 4:00AM and took a break around 6:00 to watch a movie with my wife. I am one of the very lucky people to have a wife who thinks and feels the same as me about what we do. Today it was my families turn to visit from 1:00 to 6:00PM All 3 of my sons, there wives and my 5 grandchildern where here. Now I am back to designing.
I did have a vacation a few years ago though.
Did we party?!?!
Very nice kids Frank!
12-27-2004, 02:36 AM
Before you all come around to my house and start throwing stones at my windows, I was kidding.
Paco seems to like to kid in his messages, I was doing the same (even trying my hand at french!)
Like Frank, we spent a lot of our Christmas working, because its a hobby as well as work. (I'm even luckier than Frank, my wife does the painting, I do the construction.)
It's only two years since I changed from a high stress career to having fun at work, while still making a few cents.
So, to make it clear, I'm not the Grinch, and I'm sure Paco was a great Santa.
12-27-2004, 06:44 AM
His beard looks just like yours.
My wife may start doing the faux painting. She has practiced on a few rooms in our house and it's been such an unbelievable expense in my buisness we have considered her doing future jobs. I don't know if you've ever been on my web site but, the faux painting in some of those rooms cost me between $8,000 to $16,000. In fact they where the better estimates. One room I had estimates as high as $26,000.00 to faux paint. I never did like painting but I have considered learning faux painting. At tose prices I might get to love it.
Faux painting is practicaly a necessitaty but it bugs me that I spend someware around 150 to 250 hours designing and constructing, plus another 60 to 80 hours of my employee's labor to build a theater room. Then in about 40 to 60 hours the faux painter comes in and completes there work and makes 2 to 3 times my profit in 1/4 of the time with 1/10 of the headaches.
I hope no one takes this as complaining I realy do love my work and as I always say "if you think life is fair you are setting yourself up for dissappointment."
Paul Amos (Unregistered Guest)
12-27-2004, 07:13 AM
Hi Frank,
You forgot to mention the amount of tools and equipment you have to produce and install those excellent home theater's.... your head drops when the painter turns up with all his kit in a holdall, and then moans that there is no heating on.
It's just the same here in the UK.
12-27-2004, 07:48 AM
I have looked at your site, great stuff.
My colleague is a movie buff from way back. He drools over what you produce.
Roxana hadn't done any real painting since school days. I was doing some expeimentation 3 or 4 years back, leading up to the change in career. She had a go, and was so much better than me!
Now, she brings my constructions to life.
I hope to be building next year. Your wife can paractice on some of my walls! (Guess the fare might be a bit expensive
Mike, it's clear you were kiding me... and I kid too!!
Frank, SHE wear a chocolate beard... fun and tasteful to shave!!!
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