View Full Version : Help needed on a problem

02-22-2006, 12:35 PM
Having discovered (as mentioned in another thread) that I could offset from .eps files in PW, I entrusted a 6 meter long plexiglass sign to its care.
It was to cut a 3mm 'rabbet' around the edge of the letters, 1.5mm deep, then cut out the letters.
I was cutting with a 6mm two flute with no problems.
In order to assist the final cut off, I offset the rabbet cut outwards by 3mm, cutting in fact a 9mm 'slot'
The using the same 6mm bit, along the offset rabbet toolpath, I cut down the remaining 1.5mm to cut out the letter
All straight lines were perfectly set at 3mm offset but the curves had some sort of different arc!
I checked the shopbot file, taking the start x,y points along the curve sectors for the original and the offset, and it appears they are good curves
In places I had a cut of just 6mm, the bit width, in others as much as 12mm (i was expecting 9mm).
I cut and re-cut the rabbet part of the same file, and each time these air cuts, just brushing the material , followed identical paths.
Each and every time for 5 consecutive attempts it cut no new material, just brushed along the original cut.
So we can rule out intermittent interference or bad earthing, we can rule out bit flex (3mm would be a bit steep anyway,) we can rule out a loose shopbot, it would hardly be identically loose cutting over an area of 1 meter by 2 meters.
I solved the problem to an extent by using the original (non-offset) as the cutting path, and using the same path with a12mm bit to create the 3mm rabbet.
The letters lost 3mm around there edge, but they are a meter tall , and going 10 meters up on the side of a building, so my client accepted it OK.
And when I cut these two paths with different bits, they cut perfectly.
Does anyone have the faintest idea whats going on?
speeds were perfect for the plexiglass. no melting, nice chips, smooth edges. It was just problems on the arcs.
It was as if the shopbot was accepting what appears to be a good file, and interpreting it badly, or PW did something odd.
Arc/mm by the way.


Brady Watson
02-22-2006, 03:16 PM
The only thing that comes to mind is that if you have any sharp corners on the part and do an outside offset, then the result will be radiused corners instead of square ones.

Where are the discrepancies occuring, near a corner maybe?

A sure way to get around this issue is to either offset in AutoCAD or use the transform function to scale up the part to produce the needed offset.


02-22-2006, 03:34 PM
Hi Mike,

I've had the same problem with circles on a particular part using arc/mm.

If I redo the toolpath everything is okay then if I cut the same part a few day's later I have problems with it again.

The problems don't seem to appear on any other parts which contain cirles.

I'm using the latest control software available as a download.

02-22-2006, 04:06 PM
Hey Mike!

Can you duplicate the problem with a more basic shape and post the file here? Try to remember the step you did from your original (EPS) to work from it to the "final" up to the toolpathing... I would think similar to Brady. If you can't duplicate, check your behind for Gremlins... pant's pocket, under your desk, shake your keyboard and your mouse... does that help?! 8-)

02-22-2006, 11:05 PM
Thanks all.
I wil look further into the problem and report back. As I'm sure you are all familiar with, yesterday my problem became getting a useful product for the customer. He has scaffolding up the side of the building until Sunday, and needs to erect the sign before the builders remove the scaffolding. He gave me the material Tuesday late afternoon!! (Been here before, haven't we !)
I will make cut simple shapes, rectangles, circles, elipses and arcs, see where I get to.

02-22-2006, 11:56 PM
Gee Mike, you are up early this morning, way before the sparrows do their early morning ablutions......

Were your problem arcs only the very big radius one's? We had problems years ago when our SB program wouldn't accept large radius arcs, but at that time we were talking of a couple of miles radius. And on that occasion, our millimeter setting made that limit 25.4 times smaller than the guys with inch settings. I get the impression that the SB software is developed in the inch environment and the millimeter settings are more "glitchy" - particularly when arcs are involved as well.

02-23-2006, 11:31 AM
I was up earlier than that!!
Got my clients plexiglass cut around 7.30, looking good. Perfect 3mm cut 'rabbets', no melting. Client turned up at 09.30, went away happy.
Rang at 11.00 to say his client had had to move this 7 meter sign to the other side of the building, and isn't needed for 2 weeks!!
Now we have to make a 4meter sign for the front of the building!!
I love customers.
The Marshall brothers (I think) have a sign saying "Cheap, quick or high quality, but you can only chose 2" in their workshop.
Back to the real problem.
Today everything cut perfectly not using off sets.
When I have time (which isn't this week) I will experiment with Auto cad, see what I come up with. I haven't noticed problems with Auto Cad in the past.
I will also experiment with PW, which may not be at fault at all. In fact I have no evidence that the problem lies there. It just doesn't seem to be in the 'physical' Shopbot.
Maybe some of Pacos Canadian gremlins have drifted my way, and I can't understand them because my French is appalling

The arcs are around the 30cm diameter range.
I have puzzled before why you would need such enormous arcs that you speak of.

02-23-2006, 01:01 PM
We don't need the big arcs - our naval architect clients supply them to us on their drawings.