12-11-2006, 02:31 PM
How can I call part files and control the depth of cut for each one to create passes? I'm reading the manual but proportion Z has no effect and if I eliminate the Z moves I loose my tabs.
The full story...
Before I make this far more complicated than it needs to be if I could get some experienced opinions. I've spent about 30 minutes getting the idea together and starting the Master part file.
I have a project that will be cut repeatedly from blanks. The project contains an overlap that needs to be exactly 50% of the material thickness. The blanks will vary slightly and I would like to touch the surface of the blank each time I load a new blank to obtain the material thickness then run my custom cut file with 3 passes calling raw .sbp files for each profile. These are small parts so tabs need to be left in as well.
I have manually plugged in a variable &Thickness = 0.75 I have not worried with the code to do that automatically yet. Nor do have I actually used this value yet.
I zero to the table and have created a single pass toolpath for each cutting path using Vcarve Pro. I have modified the post processor (and could some more) and I get a .sbp file that only contains XYZ moves. No turn ons/offs/jog homes etc...
I have a master file that will call each .sbp file to execute in order. It handles router on/off etc...
It runs perfectly for a single pass, produces the expected results and has the tabs in place.
The routine to smell the thickness I'm not thinking about right now, but I know I'll have to write it eventually. In the mean time I can measure it and plug it in, I really need to get the cutting file working first.
For full cut throughs I need to run this in 3 passes with the last pass being "as written" in the .sbp files, cutting to 0 on the table.
For the pocket passes I need to run the file to 50% of &Thickness for the last pass.
Here is a quick peek at the master part file...
'Created by Robert Ball copyright 2006
'Program creates 2 Strobel crosses from a single blank.
'ORIGN: 0,0,1
'BLANK: 24" along X by 8" along Y by approx 3/4" in Z blank size
'BIT: .250" end mill cutter 2 flute downspiral
'RPM: tested at 14,000 RPM
'place jig for holddown and positioning
'Zero X,Y at 0,0 for the jig
'Zero Z on the table bed (jig bed) at 6,4
'place blank in place
'Touch material top to get measurment
'execute program
JH 'make sure in home position
'Zero'd Z to the blank BOTTOM, cutter head is in the home position, blank loaded? press OK
J2 6,4,1 'go to position to touch material top right over pocket area
'Place zeroing plate under bit on material top and press OK
'<<call routine to find material thickness &Thickness >>
&Thickness = 0.75 'manually insert for now
&ZCut_overlap = &Thickness * 0.50
SO,1,1 'Turning spindle ON
The full story...
Before I make this far more complicated than it needs to be if I could get some experienced opinions. I've spent about 30 minutes getting the idea together and starting the Master part file.
I have a project that will be cut repeatedly from blanks. The project contains an overlap that needs to be exactly 50% of the material thickness. The blanks will vary slightly and I would like to touch the surface of the blank each time I load a new blank to obtain the material thickness then run my custom cut file with 3 passes calling raw .sbp files for each profile. These are small parts so tabs need to be left in as well.
I have manually plugged in a variable &Thickness = 0.75 I have not worried with the code to do that automatically yet. Nor do have I actually used this value yet.
I zero to the table and have created a single pass toolpath for each cutting path using Vcarve Pro. I have modified the post processor (and could some more) and I get a .sbp file that only contains XYZ moves. No turn ons/offs/jog homes etc...
I have a master file that will call each .sbp file to execute in order. It handles router on/off etc...
It runs perfectly for a single pass, produces the expected results and has the tabs in place.
The routine to smell the thickness I'm not thinking about right now, but I know I'll have to write it eventually. In the mean time I can measure it and plug it in, I really need to get the cutting file working first.
For full cut throughs I need to run this in 3 passes with the last pass being "as written" in the .sbp files, cutting to 0 on the table.
For the pocket passes I need to run the file to 50% of &Thickness for the last pass.
Here is a quick peek at the master part file...
'Created by Robert Ball copyright 2006
'Program creates 2 Strobel crosses from a single blank.
'ORIGN: 0,0,1
'BLANK: 24" along X by 8" along Y by approx 3/4" in Z blank size
'BIT: .250" end mill cutter 2 flute downspiral
'RPM: tested at 14,000 RPM
'place jig for holddown and positioning
'Zero X,Y at 0,0 for the jig
'Zero Z on the table bed (jig bed) at 6,4
'place blank in place
'Touch material top to get measurment
'execute program
JH 'make sure in home position
'Zero'd Z to the blank BOTTOM, cutter head is in the home position, blank loaded? press OK
J2 6,4,1 'go to position to touch material top right over pocket area
'Place zeroing plate under bit on material top and press OK
'<<call routine to find material thickness &Thickness >>
&Thickness = 0.75 'manually insert for now
&ZCut_overlap = &Thickness * 0.50
SO,1,1 'Turning spindle ON