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10-20-2003, 09:36 PM
Errant movement when ctrl + Arrow held to move tool.

The control window disappears and the machine will not stop with S key or space bar only the Stop switch.

This happened several times and I tried different things to disengage it and none worked.

Ted Hall, ShopBot Tools
10-20-2003, 10:30 PM
Hi Dale,

Could you provide a little info on your computer and operating system. Thanks.

10-21-2003, 07:52 AM
Hey Ted,
It is a pII running Windows XP. I will have to get the rest of the info this morning at the shop

Ted Hall, ShopBot Tools
10-21-2003, 03:40 PM
Also Dale,

Does it happen the first time you hit the key ... or is it after beating on it a few times?

Also, laptop or desk PC and is the keyboard a USB keyboard?

10-21-2003, 03:47 PM

The quickest way to get us if you are having a problem with the new software is to email support@shopbottools.com (mailto:support@shopbottools.com) or call 888-680-4466.

We'll put a direct link to Tech Support up here shortly.

You can also just go to Help > Support in the software for a link to a Tech Support Problem report.

12-22-2003, 07:33 PM
Problem with va command in v3 software.

The line above comes back with a variable error message: invalid expresion (%(4);0). I have the software set up to recognize the acc. axis and am using the latest version which I just downloaded. This line is in an axis-switching program which worked fine in the dos sofware. Does system variable %(4) still exist? Any ideas?

03-17-2004, 06:44 AM
Major problem with the file convesion command. First, it often leaves out the jog Z up commend before a j2 command is issued resulting in the cutter plowing through the wood and your parts. I have to edit each generated file and add this command to prevent this from happening.

Second, I have DXF files with layers and when the wizard comes up, it shows the different colors of my layers where I enter the dept amount. But the generated file always puts mz,0.0000 no matter which layer it's cutting. It never puts the commands to move z to the correct depth of the given layer.