View Full Version : Duplicate lines of code?

05-19-1999, 05:43 PM
I have (for a long time actually) been noticing that after "converting"a file into the .sbp format from the UX command, that I will occasionally get duplicate(or more) lines of code, usually JUST before the "Zup"command in the parts file. This seems to cause a problem in the actual cutting because the machine wants to "jog"a little at the end of those lines, and it screws up the actual cut. I thought i remembered seeing something about this in the "old"Forum, and I know that Sean and I have shared common experiences with this problem. A few weeks ago, while giving a demo to Ed Coleman, I mentioned the problem and he in turn wrote a short program which "cleans"up each file! I'm writing this note because a. I don't know if anyone else has similar problems;b.I don't know if there is an "onboard"solution to the problem, and c.if there are other people having the problem, and they want a quick fix, they can contact me, and with Ed's permission I'll send his program on to you.I'm at; b1705@bellatlantic.net (mailto:b1705@bellatlantic.net) Bill P.

05-20-1999, 01:53 AM

I have not had any problems, but I am also doing
all my work in Bobcad and/or AlphaCAM and using
the G-code converter. So far, I have not had ANY
problems with duplicate lines or excessive up/down

Matter of fact, I had to route 4 4'X8' sheets of
styrofoam (2" thick) for an ~80' sign with 25
letters. Did _NOT_ have a single problem (except
the mess). Did the cuts in one pass at 210IPM on
a cable drive SB with a 1.5hp Porter/Cable router.

No excess moves, plunges ect. Everything worked

Bruce Clark
bwclark@centuryinter.net (mailto:bwclark@centuryinter.net)

05-20-1999, 09:24 AM
I have been plagued with this problem as well.
Have worked to no avail with Gord and Chris. It seems to have something to do with the original graphics file.
I have Casmate and it causes little jerky moves that chew into the material. Funny thing is it is not in the same place all the time in the same file which makes me think it is Shopbot...

I will go out on a limb and say that there seems to be different versions of DXF and they are not all compatable.

I am interested in the program that cleans these things up.

What program are you creating your letters in Bruce?

Could you explain your process?

Richard Bouchard


05-20-1999, 10:53 AM
And how do you handle the foam getting into everything? Because of the high static charge of the stuff, even a powerful vacuum doesn't seem to get all of it while it's cuting. What's your approach?


05-20-1999, 12:15 PM

The lettering was created in FlexiLetter (a vinyl
sign program) to the required dimensions. The
letters were converted to outlines and then I used
their "nest" function to fit as many letters in a
4' X 8' sheet as I could. It originally put them
on 5 sheets. The file was exported at a DXF and I
imported them into Bobcad (cause I wanted to knock
them out as quick as I possible could--and I am
faster at Bobcad).

In Bobcad, I created offset paths for the cutting
bit I was using (a 1/2" Hi helix 2flt XL carbide
endmill designed for cutting Aluminum). After
creating the offset paths (which looking back, I
should have done in my vinyl sign program--would
have been easier) I renested the letters by hand
to fit in to 4 sheets instead of 5.

After I was happy with the files, I generated the
G-code for each sheet and then converted them with
the G-code converter.

I did a trial run on the first sheet without the
bit. No problems, so I loaded the bit and ran
all four sheets.

Arthur, yes it was messy. What I did to minimize
the blue styro "flakes" was to machine the stuff
as fast as possible, ran my dust collector 100% of
the time and I cleaned the table between cutting
each sheet. Also, static is not as much of an
issue here (relative humidity is ~80% -90% and the
windows were open!).

Yes, it still made a HUGH mess but nothing that a
ShopVac and a push broom could not clean up.

Bruce Clark
bwclark@centuryinter.net (mailto:bwclark@centuryinter.net)

05-21-1999, 12:49 AM
bill i used it and worked great

05-21-1999, 01:03 AM
Richard does this happen with all letters? you get a little jerking and the end off a cut? if so it is the software. I had that problem a year ago and me and Robert Shell fixed it I have the shopbot software verison 1.8g.
I installed the new 2.0 beta and was having the same problems again so I went bact to 1.8g and it works fine, so it is the software.

If you would like it let me know and i will send it to you as a backup.


05-23-1999, 12:50 PM
OK guys ...

Why don't we get this little jerk fixed once and for all. Our problem has always been that everyone seemed to have a little different problem, dealt with it in a different way, and we were never really able to get straight on what was going on.

Here's what I'd suggest. Send me a file that is an example of the little jerk that you are talking about. It should be a problem that happens in Version 2b8 (preferably) or Version 1.8c of the software. If it comes from the dxf converter, send both the dxf file and the sbp file that you find the problem in. Tell us what version it happens with and any other relevant information. Email straight to me at ted@shopbottools.com (mailto:ted@shopbottools.com) and name the attached file "jerk_??.sbp" where the question marks are your initials. I will report back here in a few days on how many sample problems I get. What we found the problem to be. And a solution that you can download.

05-28-1999, 11:10 AM
I just posted to the curves thread but heres another thought re this thread.

It is easy for me, using MicroStation to accidentally put down duplicate lines.
these cant even be seen because they are right on top of each other.

This happens a lot when using "fence" copys. Sorry I dont know the ACad equivelent of fence.

Fence operations allow overlap, clip, inside, void etc. type of operations to mass qtys of elements.

If one is not carefull one can end up doing damage to ones self !
CAD only does whatcha tell it to do. Allz it takes is one brain fart and yer screwed.

This became so prevelant that MicroStation released a "deldupe.exe" program ( delete duplicates) that scanned thru a design file and "REMOVED" all duplicate elements.

Just some food for thought re this issue.

Have a great holiday weekend :-) Bob

05-28-1999, 10:37 PM
Bob, the file I mentioned at the beginning of this thread does exactly that! It eliminates sequential duplicate lines of code. After I "clean up"a .sbp file with it, i don't get multiple lines of code, OR "jogs & jerks"in my cuts.