View Full Version : Loading times

07-16-2003, 12:56 PM

I generated G Code in BOBCAD, saved as .tap. I then converted the G code into .sbp using the file converter in the SB software. After converting the code the file takes a long time to load when i select it with FP in SB. The loading time is considerably longer than it takes to load a file generated in Vector. The file runs fine after it finally loads. Wondering if there is any way to speed this up, or is it always going to take this long.



07-16-2003, 08:55 PM

Is the Bobcad converted file any larger than the Vector output (assuming the same geometry)?

The only reason that I could think of would be that Bobcad is generating extra geometry that is increasing the file size, causing the extra loading time. If that is not the case, I would check the output options in Bobcad (assuming you are using version 16 or 17) to make sure that the output options are correct for the G-code converter.

If there is a problem with the converter, I will be more than happy to rectify this in a timely manner. I will email you with some more questions.
